Premises & Recreation – 1st October 2018

Premises & Recreation – 1st October 2018

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 1st October when, among other items, they discussed MUGA resurfacing, roofing, Lorkin Daniell Field rules, new CCTV training, halls hire rates, Orpen Players and the Village Fete.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Committee Meeting held on 1st October 2018 in John Lampon Hall

Committee members present: Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Bob Tyrrell, Jenny Church, Harry Stone
Also in attendance:  Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)




  Janet Crichton


Minutes of the last meeting on 3rd September 2018 were agreed.


Clerks and Administration’s Report

3.1 MUGA – MH sent DS the quotes he received from Sportsafe in respect of resurfacing the MUGA. VBC confirmed that both coaches have paid and that they are willing to be approached to advise on the resurfacing.  MH to send quote to BB and to discuss further at next month’s meeting, including localised repair requirement. MH
3.2 Roofing Project –BB is responding to queries raised from Ingleton Wood all of an admin nature. BB
3.3 Handyman Schedule: VBC to start new schedule – HS will be contact person for any jobs that needs additional manpower or Hall handyman cannot carry out.  BB and JGR had a meeting to discuss and make any amendments necessary as to what the Premises and Environment will after. VBC/LW
3.4 CCTV – Manual has been received.  One hard copy printed off and in office.  VBC to arrange a hands-on training session and LW and BB to attend if available.  BB asked VBC to check that the CCTV complies with the latest Home Secretary guidelines.  On the hall website it will make note that CCTV is in operation at all times.  Discussions then lead onto the alarm system and whether the PC have a door system which notifies a keyholder of illegal entry – the OH currently does not.  The SC would like such a system, when the PC has access to the SC that they are contacted and the rest of the hours the SC is called.  LW to check with SC to see if they have this at the moment. VBC/LW
3.7 Hall border tidying – VBC handed quote over – it was agreed apart from the oak posts to be moved to the edge of the carpark side.  It was agreed to go ahead with the front border this year and the two side borders to be factored into the budget for 2019/2020.  A quote for just tidying up was given too but this will be resubmitted due to just one border being agreed to go ahead.


Hire Costs

A memorandum of understanding has been drawn up for HS to present to the Allotment Committee this month and LW will send Val the School agreement.  BB/PS had a productive meeting with the PTA Firework Committee for their upcoming evening on 3rd November.  VBC will invoice them in November, agreement letter to be sent to confirm discussion. HS/VBC


Premises License

The following have applied for sale of alcohol

Orpen Players – 11th- 13th October 2018


Next month’s noteworthy hirings

Orpen Players Production 11th to 13th October 2018


Village Fete Sub Committee

Figures were presented at the recent PC meeting.  A debrief meeting has been arranged on 4th October at the Queens Head at 8 pm to discuss the positives/negatives and to set a date for next year.


Communication Officers Report

VBC emailed the editor for her to forward Dave the final PDF versions of the Bulletin for 2018 so that he can put them on the village website.  To date, this has not been done so VBC will chase.  A meeting is in the process of being organised for the VB Committee to meet to discuss various issues and what will appear in the December issue. MH/VBC


Draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniell Field

MH sent BB quote for the sign.  BB phoned the company for further details eg what materials were being used, does this include installation etc.  It was agreed to go back and get a quote for slotted boards so it would be easier to change information and to be printed on both sides.  The idea as discussed is to make it user-friendly giving visitors/users the information they require to then lessen the signage around the Hall.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.  BB will send HS the draft Rules and Regulations to reduce the content and copies can then be put on the website and noticeboards etc. MH


Items to be discussed at next meeting

Budget 2019/2020 – before the next meeting please send any ideas to BB for work or items for the Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.08 pm
Date of next meeting – 5 November 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall


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