Premises & Recreation – 10th October 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th October when, among other items, they welcomed a new councillor, discussed health & safety, terms of hire, asbestos surveys, social club, Bergholt Heath YFC, Orpen Hall toilets and storage.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 10th October 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell
Apologies Brian Butcher (MH accepted)

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)

MH chaired meeting in BB’s absence.  MH welcomed new Councillor Janet Crichton to the Committee.


Matters from Last Meeting

2.1 Health and Safety Questionnaire

VBC reported that a course 1.5 hr long including theory and practical for 10 would be £300+VAT and for two (LW/VBC) £200+VAT.  It was agreed to go for 10 and invite the regular users to attend.  VBC will invite once finance has been agreed.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report

3.1 John Lampon Hall Toilets – Hirer expressed concerns about the hand dryers in the JL toilets.  It was agreed no further action will be taken as they are working adequately.
3.2 Kitchen – Concerns about the water accumulating on the draining board especially when the hot water tap is in operation.  MH will contact STC to look at it.  It was also agreed to look into a plug-in lime scale system to eliminate the hard water lime scale. VBC
3.3 John Lampon Tables/upstairs tables – VBC reported there is a lot of use now when both halls are being used.  There is now a need for each hall to have their own tables so not to disturb the other hall when needing tables.  The idea is for the shorter tables to remain in the JL hall.  A trolley for storage would be ideal and for the handymen to quote for this.  Tables in the upstairs meeting room will be required for the JL hall and VBC to investigate cost of buying additional tables for upstairs. VBC
3.4 Cleaning Arrangements – Zoe raised concerns that since the new toilets were installed that more of her time was spent cleaning them rather than doing other works.  VBC and Zoe discussed and agreed that she would come in one Saturday a month for 2hrs to catch up if the Committee agreed.  The Committee agreed and VBC will let Zoe know.  Will re-visit in the new year to see if this arrangement is working. VBC
3.5 Hall Flooring – VBC advised the flooring in the Orpen Hall needs addressing.  It was agreed for VBC to obtain three quotes.  VBC also showed the Committee a couple of other areas in the JL Hall corridor that need addressing.  It was agreed to get quotes for this too and that works will need to be carried out in the next six months. VBC
3.6 Dog Signage – VBC showed two sign designs.  It was agreed to purchase six 300 x 400 “NO DOGS”. LW
3.7 Hall border tidying – LW has set up a weeding working party and is looking into a grant from Tesco and will report back. LW
3.8 Projector – VBC advised that the projector was meant to be taken down today (Monday 10th) but due to the times and Bluebells being in the Hall it was advised to re-arrange.  MH mentioned he had spoken with CS and advised to go ahead and purchase a new projector.  When finance has been agreed VBC to investigate purchase. VBC


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

MH said that the Saturday morning session is going well and that they are happy with the grass area.


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

BT advised that new soap dispensers are on order to replace those that have been fitted.  BT mentioned quotes will be obtained to repaint the walls in the toilets to make cleaning easier.  VBC reported back on sanitary bins and obtained quotes for 3 or 6 sanitary bins in the Hall.  The bins that are currently fixed have the option for sanitary bags to be placed on top – although the bin is not sealed it was agreed to go down this line with a review to see how this is working out.  VBC to investigate gel dispensers? VBC


Storage Units

Ponders did not brick the opening up in the garage.  This is now in the hands of the Environment Committee. JGR



1)   West Bergholt Football Club – BB is writing up Licence and will organise meeting with Mick Bell to agree and sign the Licence in December. BB
2)   Terms of Reference – Premises and Environment Committee outstanding BB/JGR
3)   MH was approached by the Bowls about the cost of hire and their drop in players.  It was agreed to be reviewed in the new financial year.
4)   HS spoke with the Handyman who suggested the tennis net handle be kept in a number lock security box placed on the courts and that the code be the same as the gate code as currently it is kept in the safe and not very accessible. VBC/DH
5)   Asbestos Survey – currently obtaining quote and agreement for an asbestos survey management plan.
Meeting closed at 8.15pm

Date of next meeting

7th November 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


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