Meeting of the Planning & Development Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council in the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15th October 2014. The public and press are welcome to attend.
How Decisions are taken
- For applications included on the published agenda the Committee is authorised by the Parish Council to take decisions. These will be submitted by the Clerk onto the Borough Council’s website.
- If there is a Planning Application or correspondence received which post-dates the publishing of the agenda, and which cannot await the next meeting of the Committee, then such matters will be discussed at the meeting; where this occurs the committee will not take a decision but will make a recommendation to be considered by the next advertised appropriate meeting, which is likely to be the full Parish Council meeting. If this is the case the Planning applications concerned will appear on the Parish Council published agenda.
AGENDA – Matters to be taken in public
- To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed Planning Applications
- To discuss the following applications:
Planning Application No. | Location | Consultation end date |
145892 Resubmission of 144987 | Delmont, Hall Road, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3DU | 22nd October 2014 |