The Annual Parish Meeting was held on 24th April and it was most encouraging to have more than fifty village residents present. The focus this year was “Celebrating our Village Volunteers” as we all appreciate the village has much to be grateful for and to be proud of. The opportunity was also taken to make those present aware of the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan and the village survey which takes the form of a questionnaire which will be accompanying the next edition of the Village Bulletin. Your views are vitally important so please look out for this and spend a few minutes by responding.
The meeting was also an opportunity to mark the retirement of Bernard Colbron from the Parish Council after twelve years of dedicated and loyal service. Bernard has been Chair of the committee responsible for the Village Halls for most of his time as a Parish Councillor. We have only to reflect on the part played in our village life of these halls to appreciate the importance of Bernard’s contribution to the community. We are very grateful.
In a previous Bulletin, and on this website, the position of editor was advertised. Although not directly linked to the Parish Council, this is a role that Bernard has also filled for many years. It is good to know that Bernard is only semi-retiring from village life as having left the Parish Council he is prepared to continue as editor, at least for the time being. We look forward to many more informative publications.