Planning & Development Committee – 27th September 2022

Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Meeting held on Tues 27th September 2022 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell, Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher & Joel Fayers

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) and no members of the public

Agenda items:

1.   Apologies for absence:


2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Public participation:

There were no questions from members of the public.

4.   Planning applications:

To approve the following email recommendations on recent applications into decisions:

221780 – Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road, CO6 3DW

Proposed single storey annex


The Parish Council has no objection to this application, subject to approval being conditional on the annex only being occupied by dependent relatives and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property. 

Decision: SUPPORT

221781 – Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road, CO6 3DW

Listed Building – Proposed single storey annex


The Parish Council would defer to the Borough Council’s greater knowledge on the development of listed buildings.


221823 – Oak View Landscapes Ltd, Pattens Yard, Nayland Road, CO6 3DQ

Single storey storage shed for (Use Class B8) to support existing Landscape Yard functions.


The Parish Council has no comment

Decision: SUPPORT  APPROVED BY CBC 15/09/22

222036 – Adj. 19 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, CO6 3JW

Erection of a 3 storey 2-bedroom detached family home (Resubmission of 220650)


Whilst minor amendments have been made to the previous application, the comments from the Parish Council’s previous objection to application 220650 are still relevant:

The Parish Council objects to this application as the proposed elevations of a three-storey building is totally out of keeping with the neighbouring properties. The application does not comply to PP10 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, specifically:
“Buildings must respect the character of and be in harmony with their surroundings in respect of plot width, layout, building lines, materials, height, proportion, scale and massing”

The plans continue to lack a street scene, DG8 of the CBC adopted Village Design Statement:
“Planning applications must show contextually the impact of their proposals on adjacent building by means of adequately detailed plans with accurate street elevations”

In addition, policy DG35 from the Village Design Statement states:
“New parking directly in front of property should be avoided.”

Decision: OBJECT    REFUSED BY CBC 26/09/22

221831 – Mcnally Mews, The Crescent, West Bergholt, CO6 3DA

Change of use of land to domestic garden.


The land is not only currently common land but is also subject to a covenant by the Parish Council, which the PC has no intention of relinquishing. No works should be permitted/ undertaken that prevents or impedes access to common land by their owner.


221995 – Poplar Cottage, Kings Vineyard, Fossetts Lane, Fordham, CO6 3NY

Renovation of Poplar Cottage, new external wall finishes and some changes to the fenestration. Extension linking Poplar Cottage to Garden Cottage.


The Parish Council has no comment and would defer to CBC Planning Department.

Decision: SUPPORT  APPROVED BY CBC 23/09/22

222100 – land adj to, 155 Colchester Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JX

1 no. Detached 4-bedroom house with a detach triple garage and annex above and new driveway.


The Parish Council previously objected to an application on this site as it is outside the settlement boundary of West Bergholt, thus contrary to policies PP9, PP10 and PP12 of the Neighbourhood Plan 1 and to part 2 of recently adopted Local Plan, in particular para 6.227 and policy SS15.

However, having won on appeal, WBPC understands that the site will now be developed noting that the proposal is well designed and in keeping with the adjacent Hill House, and in accord with the N P’s Village Design Statement


To discuss and make decisions on the following new applications:

222226 – 9 Garthwood Close, West Bergholt, CO6 3EA

Proposed part two-storey, part single-storey rear extensions with rooflights and roof terrace, partial garage conversion with new roof, rear dormer, external staircase, rooflights to front of garage and existing porch, fenestration changes…


The Parish Council supports this application, subject to approval being conditional on the garage/annex only being occupied by dependent relatives and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property. 

Decision: SUPPORT

222267 – Tresillian, Bourne Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3EL

Two storey L shaped infill extension to rear and side elevation to accommodate additional Ground Floor Living Space and Bedroom with a further master suite at first floor.


The Parish Council has no objection to an extension of this size onto this property; however, it feels this style of architecture is inappropriate to a rural area. The application is contrary to policy PP10 of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan and part 2 of recently adopted CBC Local Plan, specifically: “Buildings must respect the character of and be in harmony with their surroundings in respect of plot width, layout, building lines, materials, height, proportion, scale and massing”

Decision: OBJECT

To discuss and agree the following email recommendation of newly received applications:

222361 – 5 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JW

Proposed front side and rear extension with proposed loft conversion and rear dormer.


The application is contrary to policy PP10 of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan and part 2 of recently adopted CBC Local Plan, specifically:
“Buildings must respect the character of and be in harmony with their surroundings in respect of plot width, layout, building lines, materials, height, proportion, scale and massing”

The Parish Council is particularly concerned about the size of the dormer on the roof extension and that the application would impinge on the front elevation resulting in an over-congested street scene.

Decision: OBJECT

222372 – 36 Lexden Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3BT

Garage Conversion and connection to Main Dwelling.


The Parish Council supports this application, with no comment.

Decision: SUPPORT

5.   Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on Wed 19th October 2022 in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at 8.10pm.

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