Planning & Development Committee – 16th November 2022

Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Meeting held on Wed 16th November 2022 at 6.00pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Joel Fayers, Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher & Sara Cullis

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) and 0 members of the public

Agenda items:

1.   Apologies for absence:


2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Public participation:

There were no questions from members of the public.

4.   Planning applications:

222635 – The Firs, 38 Lexden Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3BX

Single storey rear extension, alteration to planning approval 213133


The Parish Council has no comment.



222660 – East of England Co-op, 41-43, Chapel Road, CO6 3JB

Display of 1x internally illuminated Co-op fascia, 1x non-illuminated Post Office sign, 1x internally illuminated Co-op projecting sign and 1x non-illuminated Post Office wall sign


The Parish Council has no comment. 



222762 – 53 Chapel Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3HZ

Single storey rear extension. Window to replace door on front elevation.


The Parish Council has no comment.



220526 – land adjacent to 67 Braiswick, Colchester, CO4 5BQ (reserved matters)

Application for approval of reserved matters following outline   approval 191522 – erection of 27 dwellings and associated development.

This proposed development lies outside of the parish of West Bergholt, but the Parish Council would recommend that Colchester Borough Council listens to any concerns raised by Myland Community Council.



5.   Pylons – National Grid’s East Anglian (GREEN)

Recommendation to the Parish Council on the scoping consultation from Planning Inspectorate for Pylons – Regulations 10 and 11 by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) (the Applicant) for an Order granting Development Consent for the East Anglia Green Energy Enablement (GREEN) (the Proposed Development). Deadline 5th Dec.

The Parish Council is awaiting guidance from the Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk Pylons group which the Clerk will circulate to the Planning Committee for any amendments by email in advance of the PC meeting. The Planning Committee agreed that a response needs to be based on that guidance as well as stating that National Grid’s scoping document is insufficient in relation to the West Bergholt area and that they need to have regard to the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, specifically CA7: Indicative Views of the community ambitions:

CA7: Indicative Views: The views indicated on Map CA7 provide examples of the quality of the natural environment around the Parish that are highly valued by the community and therefore will be protected and, wherever possible, enhanced. 

6.   CBC Consultation on Affordable Housing SPD

Recommendation to the Parish Council on the CBC Consultation on Affordable Housing SPD. Deadline 2nd Dec

The Planning Committee fully supports Policy DM8: Affordable Housing of the CBC Local Plan Section 2, see link here:

7.   Planning Decisions:

Application No. and link to CBC planning websiteLocationWest Bergholt PC Decision DateWBPC DecisionProposalCBC/Appeal Decision DateCBC/Appeal DecisionAppeal Pending
202756Blackheath Bulb Co., Nayland Road16/12/20ObjectReplacement of three agricultural buildings with three dwellings22/01/21Refused26/11/21
2118381 Armoury Road21/07/21SupportTwo storey front extension.19/08/21Refused
212042Land south of Cooks Hall Road18/08/21ObjectOutline application for the erection of single dwelling.15/09/21Refused29/03/22
21225730 New Church Road (Planning Appeal)27/08/21ObjectDemolition of existing detached house and erection of 2 No. detached dwellings.29/09/21Refused26/04/22
2222269 Garthwood Close27/09/22SupportProposed part two-storey, part single-storey rear extensions03/11/22ApprovedN/A
22237236 Lexden Road28/09/22SupportGarage Conversion and connection to Main Dwelling.03/11/22ApprovedN/A
221042Newbridge Mill Farm, Newbridge Hill18/05/22ObjectNew farm access gateway and all-weather track (AMENDED PLANS)09/11/22ApprovedN/A
2223615 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road28/09/22Objectproposed front side and rear extension (AMENDED PLANS)16/11/22ApprovedN/A
220526Land adj. 67 Braiswick16/03/22Observation– erection of 27 dwellingsO/S
221019Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road – Listed Building18/05/22ObservationListed Building: Proposed front boundary treatments,O/S
221574Land off, Colchester Road20/07/22ObservationApplication to Modify or Discharge a Section 106O/S
221780Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road27/09/22SupportProposed single storey annexO/S
221781Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road – Listed Building27/09/22ObservationProposed single storey annexO/S
221831Mcnally Mews, The Crescent27/09/22ObjectChange of use of land to domestic garden.O/S
222100land adj to, 155 Colchester Road27/09/22Observation1no. Detached 4 bedroom house with a detach triple.O/S
222267Tresillian, Bourne Road27/09/22ObjectTwo storey L shaped infill extensionO/S

8.   Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Wed 21st December 2022 in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at 6.31 pm.

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