Minutes of Parish Council Meeting – 24th July 2024

On 24th July 2024 the PC launched a campaign to get a safe crossing space on Colchester Road

A brief summary of key elements of the PC meeting on 24th July 2024.  At this meeting, as well as routine matters, they:

  • agreed to establish a petition calling for a safe crossing place on Colchester Road,
  • discussed two local Speed Indicator signs that appear to be faulty and yet are not getting attention from Essex Highways,
  • received an update on the issue of buses idling on Chapel Road,
  • heard that a new handyman has been recruited,
  • heard from County Cllr Barber about a fatality in Argents Lane, and
  • were also updated on projects including Community Hub, Drop-In Café & BYG Liaison.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Wed 24th July 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, CO6 3BW

Chair:Cllr Brian Butcher
Parish Councillors:Cllrs Manya Barrow, Paul Chamberlain, Sara Cullis, John Gili-Ross, Katie Pulford, Andrew Savage, David Short, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrell,
Also in attendance:Julie Gillott (Clerk’s Assistant),
City & County Cllrs:County Cllr Lewis Barber
Members of the public: No members of the public attended

24/104    Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.

Apologies were received from Cllr Owers, and City Cllrs Sara Naylor & Dennis Willetts.

24/105    Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest

24/106    Previous Minutes & Actions

RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council (PC) Meeting held on Wed 26th June 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P3 Jun 2024)

24/107    Questions from registered electors

There were no questions from registered electors

24/108    Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors

County Cllr Barber arrived at the meeting at 19.56 and reported on:

Fatality in Argents Lane – Cllr Barber said that following on from the fatal accident on Argents Lane on 5th July around 12.20pm, Essex Police are continuing with their investigations and the Police are asking that anyone with information or footage should come forward to assist with their enquiries. Cllr Barber is asking Essex Highways Officers to meet with him at Argents Lane to discuss safety measures, which will happen once the police investigations are finished.

Locality Budget – The Locality Budget Fund is now open; Cllr Barber will return held funds from the West Bergholt Open Gardens and stated that further funds are available for West Bergholt projects.  Cllr Stone mentioned the Drop-in Café as a possible recipient of some funds, and it was also suggested that further funds could be used for the repair of potholes in West Bergholt.

ACTION – Cllr Cullis to email Cllr Barber and request funds from the Community Budget for the Drop-in Café.

Speed Indicator Signs Cllr Gili-Ross said that the speed indicator in Colchester Road is still not working, and the speed indicator in Lexden Road only works intermittently.  It was believed that the Lexden Road sign was blocked by overhanging branches, but the branches have since been cut and it has made no difference to the efficiency or effectiveness of the sign. Cllr Barber said he has had no replies from Essex Highways on the matter but will continue to push to get Highways to respond.

ACTION– Cllr Barber to continue to contact Essex Highways for a response.

Buses idling on Chapel Road – Cllr Barrow updated Cllr Barber on a resident complaint regarding First Bus buses idling outside his house at 6am and 11pm each day, with the bus engine running, and blocking his driveway.  Cllr Barber said he did get a sign installed originally at the bus stop to stop buses from idling, but Essex Highways removed it as they said it was not an officially recognised sign. Cllr Barber has spoken to the Area Manager at First Bus who assured him the information “not to idle” has been passed down to all staff. The bus stop in question is a permitted stopping point for the buses but they should not be blocking a resident’s driveway.  Cllr Gili Ross asked Cllr Barber if he would join WBPC in a meeting with First Bus to discuss the matter further and he agreed.

ACTION – Clerk to arrange a meeting between WBPC, the resident, Cllr Barber and First Bus.

Uncle Kams – City Cllr Naylor did not attend the meeting so the update on Uncle Kams will take place at the next monthly meeting. In the meantime, Cllr Butcher will again meet with the residents living near Uncle Kams

ACTION – City Cllr Naylor to update regarding Uncle Kams at the September PC meeting. And Cllr Butcher will report on his meeting with the residents.

 24/109   Planning

  • 230596 – Scarletts Quality Plants, Nayland Rd – Outline application for the phased development of up to 12 self-build and custom housebuilding plots with all matters reserved except for access. The Inspector and Hearing date, The Inspector appointed to decide the appeal is G Pannell BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI and the hearing will start at 10.00am on Tuesday 16th July 2024.

Comment: Cllr Bob Tyrell, the Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee will attend the hearing on Tuesday 16th July and will speak on behalf of the committee highlighting their objection to Planning application 230596. The Parish Council objects to this application on the site as it is outside the settlement boundary of West Bergholt, thus contrary to policy PP9 of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan and to part 2 of the recently adopted Local Plan, in particular paragraphs 6.223, 6.224, 6.226 and policy SS15.

Decision: General observation.

Cllr Tyrell attended the Appeal Hearing on 16th July at the Town Hall, Colchester. We await a decision in 3 to 4 weeks’ time.

  • ECC APP/3324623 – Fairfields Farm, Fordham Rd, Wormingford, CO6 3AQ (CSH) Material change of use of the land to land used for waste recycling.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this appeal, the Parish Council have decided to object, and have submitted their letter of representation to the Planning Inspectorate as follows:

“West Bergholt Parish Council wish to restate their serious concerns regarding the alarming request to have increased heavy goods traffic accessing Fairfields Farm by CSH. Although this matter falls within the parish of Wormingford Parish Council it nevertheless has a negative impact on our village and its resident population, therefore West Bergholt Parish Council consider it necessary that the views of our Parish are also taken into the decision-making process along with those of Eight Ash Green.  There are concerns that the noise/disturbance created by increasing the movements have impacted on the residents as the vehicles traverse the already severely damaged roads in our parish.

The existing movements as they stand should not be allowed to stand for the benefit of this applicant and to the detriment of the residents, therefore West Bergholt Parish Council support ECC in their view that the appeal should fail and the enforcement actioned”.

Decision: General observation

24/110    Environment & Highways

The minutes of the 11th July 24 meeting were noted.

The Handymen’s vehicle is at the garage awaiting a replacement part before its annual MOT. The garage will contact Cllr Gili-Ross when the repair and MOT are complete.

West Bergholt Parish Council now has a new Handyman. Ian Coleman has been offered and accepted the post and will start the week commencing 29th July 2024. 

Cllr Gili-Ross met with Tree and Lawn Company (TLC) to obtain a quote regarding the deteriorating cherry trees behind the Football Clubhouse, and to trim the cherry trees at the front of Heathlands School.  The quote has been received and it is proposed that the work on the trees at Heathlands should be done across the summer school holidays so there is minimal disruption to the school, and with particular attention to the cherry tree branches overhanging the road.

ACTION – Cllr Gili-Ross will discuss moving forward with the Clerk.

Quotes have been received for the new flagpole and it has been recommended that the pole should be made of fibreglass.  The quotes will be shared and discussed at the next Environment and Highways meeting, and Cllr Cullis as Publicity Officer will delay advertising for contributions to the cost on social media until a quote has been agreed.

As noted in Item 24/108 buses idling in Chapel Road was discussed with Cllr Barber and a meeting will be arranged with Cllr Barber, First Bus, WBPC and the local resident concerned.

Cllr Savage stated that a footpath in Hillhouse Woods was in need of some work as part of the path is still very muddy.  He has reported it on the Essex Highways website and asked if Cllr Barber could escalate this work. Cllr Gili-Ross said that mulch could be obtained for free from TLC to lay down on the path, however logistically this could be a difficult task to fulfil, as it is not an easy location to get to in a small vehicle to be able to unload the mulch.  Cllr Barber will raise this with Essex Highways.

ACTION – Cllr Savage to give Cllr Barber the reference number for his submitted notification to Essex Highways regarding the footpath,

24/111    Finance

a)    Statement of accounts for June 24

The final accounts for June 24 (25% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P3 Jun 2024)

Receipts at 51%, General Expenditure 21%, Environment Expenditure 17%, Overall Expenditure 20%. Bank Rec at £157,278.13.

b)    Payments

RESOLVED – to approve the July 24 payments list in accordance with the 2024-25 budget as listed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Butcher. All in favour.

July 2024

DDBarclaysBank charges – loyalty reward (12.10-0.72)11.38
DDWaveWater bill – Allotments 03 Mar – 02 Jun 2492.42
SOJ & M Payroll ServicesJul – wages, tax & NI5,500.00
PC24048J & M Payroll ServicesJul – wages tax & NI 
PC24049J & M Payroll ServicesPayroll services – Jul48.00
PC24050WBFCGrass cutting Jul – LD Field50.00
PC24051CountrywideGrass cutting Jul – Poor’s Land209.00
PC24052Laura WalkingshawWHUK50.82
PC24053Petty CashCarriage bolt nut & washer, card & gift11.65
PC24054WaveWater bill – Poor’s Land 05 Mar – 04 Jun20.09
PC24055Colin WaylenAllotments – petrol for mower18.29
PC24056Rachel HopkinsDrop-in Café expenses25.50
PC24057PrinterlandBlack, magenta toner & waste crtrdge (Dedham PC to pay)436.80
PC24058BCMT AutocentreMOT PC Vehicle KJ55 DME55.00
Chq 104297Post Office LtdCar Tax 12mths KJ55 DME335.00
PC24059McLean ArchitecturalOrpen Hall extension: architectural services3,000.00
PC24060Morgan EngineeringOrpen Hall extension: structural engineering services950.00
PC24061Grasshopper3mm nylium strimmer wire31.21
PC24062John Gili-RossExpenses – ink cartridges19.99
PC24063TBS Hygiene LtdDog/litter bin emptying 29/06/24 – 26/07/24216.00
PC24064Colin WaylenAllotments – spares for brush cutter28.19
PC24065Tree & Lawn Co.Apply herbicide to LD Field – VAT only40.00
PC24066Dave KingabyWebsite services Aug – Oct 2024450.00

c)     To note the updated insurance schedule from Zurich Municipal which now includes the solar PV equipment in the Orpen Memorial Hall. (no adjustment premium required).

The updated insurance schedule was noted by all.

24/112    Governance

a)    To note the election of roles to Chair and Vice chair to the Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Chair:Cllr Bob Tyrrell
Vice Chair:  Cllr Sara Cullis

b)    To agree the new WBPC Financial Regulations 2024, based on the new Model NALC Financial Regulations 2024

The new WBPC Financial Regulations 2024, based on the new Model NALC Financial Regulations 2024 had previously been circulated to members of the council.

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to agree the new WBPC Financial Regulations 2024, Cllr Gili-Ross seconded. All in favour.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the WBPC Business Plan on the proviso that the Clerk updates the links therein and pages 8-10 from other previously approved PC documents as soon as possible. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.

24/113    Communications

a)    To receive the monthly website and Publicity Officer’s report

Cllr Cullis said that Facebook continues to grow in popularity, whereas Instagram and X don’t attract such good results.  The weekly “Throwback Thursday” posts initially received a mixed response but now they are mainly about the history of West Bergholt, and they are well received.

This year’s fete was deemed a success despite the bad weather, and James, the organiser of the 2024 Village Fete has said he will arrange it again next year, with the possibility of joining forces with Heathlands School.

b)    To note the draft Annual Report which will be completed and distributed during August

Cllr Cullis confirmed that the Annual Report is nearly finished, and it will be published in August, and confirmed that hard copies will be available as well as online.

ACTION – Cllr Cullis will review the WBPC Social Media & Electronic Communication Policy to be put forward at the September Parish Council meeting.

24/114    Local Council Award Scheme – Quality Gold submission 6th Sept 24

a)    The Council confirms by resolution that all documentation and information is in place for the Foundation level of the Local Council Award Scheme, criteria 1-26

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher confirmed by resolution that all the documentation and information is in place for the Foundation level of the Local Council Award Scheme.   Cllr Short seconded. All in favour.

b)    The Council confirms by resolution that all documentation and information is in place for the Quality level of the Local Council Award Scheme, criteria 1-17

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher confirmed by resolution that all documentation and information is in place for the     Quality level of the Local Council Award Scheme, criteria 1-17.  Cllr Cullis seconded. All in favour.

c)     The Council confirms by resolution that all documentation and information is in place for the Quality Gold level of the Local Council Award Scheme, criteria 1-7

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher confirms by resolution that all documentation and information is in place for the Quality Gold level of the Local Council Award Scheme, criteria 1-7, Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.

24/115    West Bergholt Community Hub

To receive a verbal update on the WB Community Hub project following submission to Contracts Finder

West Bergholt Parish Council is now waiting for the tenders to come in via Contracts Finder and expects to receive them in early August 2024.  They will all be reviewed and WBPC will look for the most detailed tender as well as those that are value for money.

24/116    Youth Engagement

To receive a latest verbal update on the Drop-in Cafe meeting and Bergholt Youth Group.

Drop-in Café: Cllr Stone said that the meeting of the Drop-in Café was attended by a number of youngsters and their parents along with a representative of Essex YMCA.  Some very good advice was given by the YMCA, and the first meeting of the Drop-in Café is planned for 20th September 2024.  The Drop-in Café is for 11-to-16-year old’s in the village. Once they leave Heathlands School they disperse to many different secondary schools in the area, so the Drop-in Café allows them to catch up at the end of their new school days and keep their friendships with other youngsters in the village going. There will be a few issues to deal with before then, such as arranging storage, and buying a first aid kit.  Detailed planning of the meetings will take place now.

Bergholt Youth Group: Two new people attended two meetings of BYG along with the BYG board, and a representative of Essex County Council.  ECC are keen to support the BYG in its continuance and have offered free DBS checks for the volunteers, and any necessary training for free. ECC was very impressed with BYG and highlighted the fact that it is currently one of the biggest in Essex.

West Bergholt Parish Council praised the hard work of Cllr Stone and Cllr Cullis and said the future of both the BYG and Drop-in Café was looking very positive.

24/117 80 Years VE Day 8th May 2025

To agree that the council will participate in the 80th Anniversary Commemoration of VE Day on the 8th May 2025

RESOLVED – Cllr Gili Ross proposed that the council participate in the 80th Anniversary Commemoration of VE Day on the 8th May 2025. Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour.

ACTION – The Environment & Highways Committee will come back with proposals.

24/118 Safe crossing of Colchester Road (B1508)

To agree that the council will undertake both online and hard copy petitions for presentation to Essex County Council for provision of a safe crossing method of Colchester Road (B1508)

Cllr Butcher reported that the PC is now close to launching a petition online and canvassing residents to get a safe crossing on Colchester Road.  Once complete, County Councillor Barber will present the petition to Essex County Council at their Cabinet Meetings of either 10th September or 8th October 2024.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to undertake both online and hard copy petitions for presentation to Essex County Council for provision of a safe crossing method of Colchester Road (B1508).  Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour.

24/119    Training & Networking Events

To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:

  • Breakthrough – Using Canva part 1, attendee: Julie Gillott– 9th July – 2024
    Clerks Assistant Julie Gillott said that she found the course very useful, and the trainer explained everything clearly. However, 2 hours had been allotted for the course and it finished 20 minutes early.
  • Breakthrough – Using Canva part 2, attendee’s Julie Gillott & Cllr Cullis -16th July 2024
    Both Cllr Cullis and Julie Gillott noted that the course was not very informative, and the trainer seemed to be experiencing Wi-Fi issues, which meant the connection was poor, and he struggled to show the course. Part 1 & 2 could have been condensed to one session over 3 hours.

ACTION – Both Cllr Cullis and Clerk’s Assistant Julie Gillott will email Cllr Gili-Ross and Cllr Butcher their feedback on the courses, so they can pass on the comments to the EALC.

24/120    Items of Note

  • Crime Statistics – 24th Jun – 14th July 2024 – no crimes recorded.
  • Meeting with Heathlands School – Joseph Fielder has now left the position of Head Teacher and noted that his replacement will not be appointed until the Autumn Term, and in the meantime, Mrs Cork will take the role of acting Head. WBPC is sorry to see the headmaster leave Heathlands School and will await notification of the new appointment in due course. The full notes of the meeting were circulated to the council members in advance of the meeting.
  • WBPC & WBFC agreement signed 15/07/24 – and noted by West Bergholt Parish Council.
  • Response to Cllr Butcher’s CALC letter to CCC on grass verge cutting – Cllr Butcher read out CCC’s response, which confirmed that some areas have been cut but CCC are behind by 2 weeks.
  • Cllr Butcher asked all of the West Bergholt Parish Councillors to look at their profiles on the PC website to see if they need amending or updating in any way.

ACTION – Councillors to report any updates or changes to the Clerk

24/121    Items for Next Agenda (Sept 24)

  • Publicity Plan
  • Information on Organised & Led cycle ride as part of Cycling Working Party recommendations

24/122    In Committee

Nothing was discussed in committee.

24/123    Date of Next Meeting

The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 25th September at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at 9.29pm.

Signed:                                                                                Date:

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