Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the Orpen Hall on Wed 26th May 2021 at 7.30 pm
Chairman: | Cllr Chris Stevenson |
Parish Councillors Present: | Cllrs John Gili-Ross, Jenny Church, David Short, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher and Phil Spencer |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough & County Councillors: | Borough Cllrs Dennis Willetts & Martin Leatherdale |
Attending via Zoom | Cllr Norma Smith, County Cllr Lewis Barber (joined during item 21/92) |
Present: | 1 member of the public |
21/82 |
Election of Chairman |
To elect a Chairman & receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office The Clerk opened the formal business of the meeting and asked whether there was anyone who wanted to be considered for being Chairman, Chris Stevenson indicated that he was and then a vote took place. RESOLVED – Cllr Chris Stevenson was proposed by Cllr Church, Seconded by Cllr Gili-Ross. All in favour. Cllr Stevenson confirmed as Chairman of West Bergholt Parish Council. Cllr Stevenson then signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. |
21/83 |
Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the public |
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Andrew Savage |
21/84 |
Statement by the Chairman |
To note the sad passing of Cllr Murray Harlow Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr Stevenson, had written a tribute to Cllr Harlow on westbergholt.org remembering his kind nature and larger than life personality. At the meeting Cllr Stevenson made a statement about Murray whilst the Clerk projected the web page article onto the big screen and several Councillors paid their own tributes to Murray. The Chairman wished to record in the minutes what a great loss Cllr Harlow’s sudden death was to the Council and the parish. ACTION – Clerk to let his daughters know that this has been minuted in the record. |
21/85 |
West Bergholt Covid-19 Response |
To receive an update on the latest WBPC COVID-19 developments:
ACTION – Cllr Stevenson to complete the “Call for evidence” consultation on this matter as Borough Cllr Willetts notified those present that CBC have.
21/86 |
Questions from registered electors |
There were no questions received from registered electors. However, Cllr Gili-Ross asked a question on the Colchester Borough Council’s (CBC) Notice of Vacancy following Cllr Harlow’s death, the wording of which was thought to be rather insensitive. ACTION – Clerk to email the Elections team at CBC to draw their attention to this matter. |
21/87 |
Declarations of Interest |
DECLARED – Cllr Stevenson declared an interest in all matters linked to Essex Highways. |
21/88 |
Previous Minutes |
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P1 April 2020) |
21/89 |
Report from Colchester Borough Councillors |
The Chairman of the Parish Council congratulated the Borough Councillors, included Cllr Barber once he joined the meeting later, on their election. Borough Cllr Martin Leatherdale is new to the ward, elected to succeed Brian Jarvis. He introduced himself, provided some background and stressed that he would like to get to know what is on the Parish’s minds so that he can help and support. Borough Cllr Willetts reported:
Cllr Gili-Ross asked the Borough Cllrs if the new administration had a full plan of what it intended to achieve and if there had been a Borough Cllr assigned to the Safer Colchester Partnership. Borough Cllr Willetts informed the Council that all will be revealed by the Leader very soon, once the Cabinet are in place then the other roles will be filled, it is currently a work in progress with more detail to follow. ACTION – Borough Cllrs to let WBPC know who will be on Safer Colchester Partnership once they hear. County & Borough Cllr Barber reported below once he joined the meeting via Zoom after item 21/91. |
21/90 |
Finance |
Statement of accounts for Apr 2021 (Link to P1 Apr 2021 Summary) The final accounts for Apr 2021 were presented as follows: Receipts at 49%, General Expenditure 5%, Environment Expenditure 3%, Overall Expenditure 5% Have received first half of precept. Bank Rec at £ 132,554.54. |
b) |
Payments RESOLVED – To approve the May payments list in accordance with 2021-22 budget. Proposed by Cllr Stevenson, seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour. PC Payments List – May 2021
To note the Internal Auditor’s report and approve the recommended changes to the AGAR form. Have received internal audit report from the auditor. Very comprehensive report with two main recommendations: 1. to inform the insurance company of the new playground equipment purchases and 2. to change way the Public Works Loan is reflected on the AGAR Section 2. Both of which actions have now been completed. RESOLVED – Cllr Chris Stevenson proposed to agree the changes to the AGAR form, Seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour. |
To note the annual renewal of the Council’s insurance policy, which is currently under a long-term agreement until 31st May 2022. Noted – The Clerk has now informed the insurance company of the new playground purchases and the MUGA resurfacing due to take place from the w/c 7th June. |
21/91 |
Planning |
To note the following decisions made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee via their meeting of 19th May 2021 (see link to Planning Minutes P2 May 2021):
b) |
To approve the following recommendation made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee via their meeting of 19th May 2021 (see link to Planning Minutes P2 May 2021):
Cllr Spencer recorded an interest in this application and took no further part in the discussion or voting. RESOLVED – Cllr Tyrrell proposed to agree this recommendation, Cllr Stevenson seconded. All in favour. |
c) |
To approve the following recommendation of late planning application as a decision:
DG10: Any infill development should reflect the character of the surrounding area and protect the amenity of neighbours It should reinforce the uniformity of the street by reflecting the scale, mass, height, form, materials, fenestration and architectural details of its neighbours. RESOLVED – Cllr Tyrrell proposed to agree this recommendation, Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour. |
d) |
To update members on the NEEB appeal Hearing details The Parish Council has been informed that there is a virtual informal hearing on the 8th June 2021 for the NEEB (PA 180733) proposal at Armoury Road, West Bergholt. Cllrs Tyrrell & Butcher will be attending and producing a new oral statement on behalf of the Parish Council. They have met virtually with CBC to discuss this and have agreed funds to appoint a planning consultant to help produce the statement. The statement will be a response to NEEB’s challenge to the Neighbourhood Plan. ACTION – Clerk to ensure PINS (Planning Inspectorate) know that Cllrs Tyrrell & Butcher will be attending and that they would like a chance to speak. ACTION – Clerk to check with Maltings Park residents on the appropriate locations which the inspector should view when visiting the site. |
(from 21/89) |
County Cllr Lewis Barber joined the meeting at this point and reported:
21/92 |
Environment & Highways |
To note the minutes of the Environment Committee from their meeting of the 13th May 2021 (see link to Environment Minutes P2 May 2021) Cllr Gili-Ross had nothing else to note, except to thank the Environment Committee for all their hard work over the past year. |
21/93 |
Constitution |
a) |
To election Vice Chairmen and a Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) RESOLVED – Vice Chairmen Cllr Stone was proposed as Vice chairman by Cllr Stevenson, seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour. Cllr Stone was elected as Vice chairman to West Bergholt Parish Council. Cllr Butcher was proposed as Vice chairman by Cllr Stevenson, seconded by Cllr Church. All in favour. Cllr Butcher was elected as Vice chairman to West Bergholt Parish Council. RESOLVED – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) Cllr Savage was proposed as RFO by Cllr Stevenson in his absence, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour. Cllr Savage was elected as Responsible Finance Officer to West Bergholt Parish Council. |
b) |
To appoint members to the Council’s standing committees and external bodies (individual reps appointed at Committee meetings): As Chairman Cllr Stevenson is an ex-officio member of each Parish Council Committee The Planning Committee Members are Bob Tyrrell (chairman), Brian Butcher (vice chairman), Norma Smith & Andrew Savage. The Environment Committee Members are John Gili-Ross (chairman), Phil Spencer (vice chairman), Harry Stone, David Short & Norma Smith. The Finance Committee (Advisory) Members are Andrew Savage (chairman), Chris Stevenson (vice chairman), Brian Butcher, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross & Bob Tyrrell. Village Bulletin Committee The Parish Council representatives are Phil Spencer & Norma Smith MUGA Working Party The Parish Council representatives are Chris Stevenson & Harry Stone. Climate Change Working Party The Parish Council representatives are Bob Tyrrell, Chris Stevenson, Norma Smith, Harry Stone & Phil Spencer. CALC (Colchester Association of Local Councils) The Parish Council representative to CALC is Chris Stevenson. Cllr Gili-Ross remains chairman of CALC and so attends in that role. |
c) |
To remind Councillors to update their Register of Members’ interests, if necessary. Noted. ACTION – Clerk to circulate Reg. of Members’ interests as a reminder |
d) |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s Standing Orders Item 19c – “Parish Clerk” needs adding. RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed that the Council accept this amendment and update the Standing Orders, Cllr Short seconded. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to update West Bergholt’s Standing Orders and send to webmaster. |
e) |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s Financial Regulations RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed to approve the current Financial Regulations, Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour. |
f) |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s Planning Committee’s Terms of Reference “Neighbourhood Plan” needs adding to the final bullet point under Purpose. RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed that the Council accept this amendment and update the Planning Committee’s Terms of Reference, Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to update Planning Committee’s Terms of Reference and send to webmaster. |
g) |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s Environment Committee’s Terms of Reference Just one line needs removing from the Purpose section as the committee is no longer responsible for the field markings. RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed that the Council accept this amendment and update the Environment Committee’s Terms of Reference, Cllr Short seconded. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to update Env. Committee’s Terms of Reference and send to webmaster. |
h) |
To review and ratify West Bergholt Parish Council’s Code of Conduct RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed to approve the current Code of Conduct, Cllr Spencer seconded. All in favour. |
21/94 |
Council Publicity |
The WBPC Publicity Officer updated the council with the following posts:
21/95 |
Items to Note |
Crime Statistics – 26th Apr – 16th May 2021, 1 crime reported – damage to vehicle. |
21/96 |
Items for the next agenda – 23rd June 2021 |
21/97 |
In Committee |
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). |
To agree to the employment of a new Handyman for 8 hours per week subject to a 3-month probationary period. RESOLVED: Cllr Stevenson proposed to employ a new handyman following the Finance Committee’s recommendation, seconded by Cllr Spencer. All in favour. |
21/98 |
Date of Next Meeting |
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall. |
Meeting closed at 8.40pm |
Signed: |
Date: Position on Council: |