Planning & Development Committee – 15th August 2018

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 15th August 2018 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm

Planning Committee Members: Chris Stevenson, Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) Next meeting:

Wed 19th September 2018, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm

Apologies:  Bob Tyrrell (Chairman) & Brian Butcher (Vice Chair)
Members of the public present: 0
Declarations of Interest: None

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

Item 1:            To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

There were no pre-application representations.

Item 2:            Current planning applications:

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments by Planning Committee
61 Pirie Road
West Bergholt
Change of materials on planning approval 180654 181743 Support Decision The Parish Council has no comment.
87 Albany Road
West Bergholt
Build new 2-bedroom bungalow 18141 Observation Decision The Parish Council would draw the attention of the Borough Council to the very small area of garden which would remain should this application be approved.

The Council would also note the appalling street scene drawing, which is not very helpful, conveying no sense of place.

Is the intention to keep the 6ft fence in front of the new dwelling? The Parish Council would query whether they would want it there?

Also, what is happening to the tree (as seen on Google) currently on the right hand entrance to the newly proposed building?

9 Bradbrook Ctgs
Armoury Road
West Bergholt
Erection of a two-storey dwelling 181787 Object Decision The Parish Council has objected previously due to the lack of a street scene and one has still not been provided, making the impact of this application hard to gauge.

The parking looks convoluted and could well end up spilling out onto the road. The Council would accede to the Borough’s Planning Department regarding it’s concerns over the cramped site and compromised parking and would reserve judgement until these matters are put right.

Item 3:            To make recommendations to the Parish Council on planning applications:

Bourne Road
West Bergholt
Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension and New Build Double Garage to Replace Existing Single Garage 181843 Support Decision
The Parish Council has no comment.
Happi Paws Home Boarding,
Birds Nest,
Whitehouse Lane West Bergholt
Proposed extension to form kitchen, utility and shower/wc; replacementgarage. 181895 Support Decision
The Parish Council has no comment.

Item 4:            Review Planning Decisions:

CBC Decision Date CBC Decision WBPC Decision Date Object / Support / Observ. Application No. Location Additional Inform.
O/S 18/07/2018 Support 181638 59 Albany Road
O/S 18/07/2018 Object 181458 32 Colchester Road
O/S 18/07/2018 Observation 181624 Cooks Hall Farm, Cooks Hall Road
O/S 20/06/2018 Observation 181313 Lealands, Chapel Lane Member Call in – 23rd Aug CBC Mtg
O/S 12/12/2017 Object 173127 Land adj. to Hill House Farm Appeal Launched 02/08/18
13/08/2018 Approved 18/07/2018 Support 181609 120 Colchester Road
07/08/2018 Refused 18/04/2018 Object 180733 Land adj. to Armoury Road
27/07/2018 Approved 18/07/2018 Observation 181415 3 Sackville Way


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