Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 20th July 2016 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm
Planning Committee Members:
Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Brian Butcher (Vice Chair), Chris Stevenson, Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage, Phil Cook & Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) | Next meeting:
Wed 17th August 2016 in the J L Hall |
Apologies: | Cllr Lewis Barber | |
Members of the public present: | 7 | |
Declarations of Interest: | Bob Tyrrell declared an interest in St Clair, Bourne Road – Application No.161431 |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village .
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications
Item 2: Current planning applications
Location | Proposal | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Object / Support / Observations | Decision or Recommendation | Comments by Planning Committee | |
St. Clair
Bourne Road West Bergholt CO6 3EW |
Front extension and open porch | 161431 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. | |
105 Colchester Rd
West Bergholt CO6 3JX |
Rear extension and alterations to existing residence | 161602 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. | |
Chapel Lane West Bergholt CO6 3EF |
Proposed development of 2 two-storey dwellings, associated garage/stores & associated works including upgrading of existing vehicular access (Following demolition of existing dwelling). | 161181 | Object | Decision | Many of the Parish Council’s initial concerns regarding the development’s layout and density have now been addressed. However, it still contravenes the CBC approved Village Design Statement, DG7 – the proposals are out of proportion with existing properties. As this indicates the Parish Council still has concerns regarding the height and the impact of the buildings on the neighbouring properties along the street, specifically the recently approved bungalow development at Homecroft.
The Parish Council’s also has concerns regarding existing surface water run-off that currently affects No.1 Valley Crescent during heavy rain. The PC would like to see a condition to ensure any new development incorporates large SW storage tanks to prevent further SW flooding, also all hard paved areas onsite are to be permeable. |
43 Colchester Road West Bergholt
CO6 3JQ |
Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of 2 no. 2 storey dwellings | 161659 | Observation | Decision | The Parish Council support this application with the proviso that obscured glass be used in the landing windows and that the ancient hedge be retained along the boundary with neighbouring property No. 45. | |
42 Albany Road West Bergholt
CO6 3LD |
Variation of condition 2 (Drawings) of planning permission 122170. (Erection of first-floor front extension (single-storey side extension to be constructed under permitted development rights) (Resubmission) | 161813 | Observation | Recommendation | The Parish Council supported this application previously whilst Colchester refused permission and believe that the changes requested by the Borough Council has now led to a deterioration in the design. |
Item 3. Consultation on review of Essex Development Management Policies 2016
Due to time constraints, the Planning Committee will look at this review on another occasion.
Item 4. Colchester Local Plan Consultation: consideration of response from PC/NP
This item will also be considered during the August Planning meeting following input from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The rest of the Parish Council will then be invited to the 14th September Planning meeting ready for a response by the Consultation end date on 16th September.
Item 5. Other matters:
- Review Planning Decisions – Planning Decisions were reviewed:
- 91 Chapel Road CO6 3HB 160531 – Approved Conditional
- 58 Chapel Road CO6 3HZ 161111 – Approved Conditional
- 86 Lexden Road CO6 3BW 161114 – Approved Conditional
- 17 Lexden Road CO6 3BT 161229 – Approved Conditional
- 42 Albany Road CO6 3LD 161165 – Refused
- 50 Mumford Road CO6 3BL 161374 – Approved Conditional