Minutes of Parish Council 28th September 2016

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 28th September at 7.30 pm

Chair: Chris Stevenson
Parish Councillors Present: Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Andrew Savage, John Gili-Ross, Phil Spencer, Phil Cook, Bob Tyrrell
Parish Clerk: Laura Walkingshaw
Borough Councillors: Brian Jarvis
Present: 4 members of the public

1.   Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the Public

No apologies were needed.

2.   Questions from registered electors

(maximum time allowed for this item is 15 minutes – please inform the Clerk if you wish to speak prior to the meeting commencing)

3.   Declarations of Interest

Cllr Stevenson declared an interest in items relating to Essex County Council, particularly Highway issues.

4.   Minutes

(Appendix 1)

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 were approved and signed with no amendments.

5.   Report from Colchester Borough Councillors

Borough Councillor Jarvis reported:

  • Results of the Myland Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – 87% approved, 13% disapproved. 11% turnout from a population of 10,000.
  • Borough Councillor’s Budget – £2000 from each of the three Borough Councillors to be awarded to good causes that benefit the community. Need to apply before the end of the year, as yet they have had no requests from West Bergholt.

Borough Councillor Willetts entered the meeting at this point.

6.   Co-Option of New Parish Councillor –

The personal statement was received from the one candidate, following the withdrawal of the other candidate, for co-option, Janet Crichton,

Resolved – CS proposed that Councillors co-opt Janet Crichton onto West Bergholt Parish Council. All in favour.

The Declaration of Acceptance was signed, along with the Acceptance of Electronic Summons. Councillor Crichton was then given a copy of the Councillor’s Guidebook, the Code of Conduct, a Register of Member’s Interests Form and asked to sit at the table with the rest of the Council.

7.   Finance

a) Statement of accounts for July/Aug 2016 (circulated at the meeting)

The final accounts for July/Aug 2016 were presented as follows:

The General Account showed 56% income, 46% general expenditure, 39% environment expenditure and 43% expenditure overall. The Hall Account showed 54% income and 28% expenditure. Thus, currently on target with the 2016-17 budget.

Action – Cllr Gili-Ross queried the figure of £567.67 under the Miscellaneous heading of the General Receipts. Clerk to check where the Council received the money from.

b) To approve cheques for signature in accordance with 2016/17 budget

Resolved – It was proposed by Cllr Savage and seconded by Cllr Stevenson to make the following payments, All in favour:

August 2016
General Account
Salary Payments to Mrs Walkingshaw, Mr Hewitt & Mr Harkness
DD – CBC Garage Rent 50.08
Tfr to Hall Acct VAT on Esposito Invoice 255.00
Countrywide Grass Cutting 151.00
Arco VAT for WBPC Tabards & Safety Gloves 17.81
WBFC Grass Cutting 40.00
HMRC National Insurance & Tax 464.38
Laura Walkingshaw Petty Cash Replenishment 84.74
David Hewitt Wood Filler for Playground Equip 17.97
Orpen Hall Account
Salary Payment to Mrs Beckwith-Cole
DD – Col Skip Hire Rubbish Skip 125.95
DD – CNG Gas 115.41
DD – Utility Warehouse Mobile, Broadband, MUGA Electricity 135.49
Tfr to General Acct Annual Insurance 1059.40
Tfr to General Acct Hall proportion of Petty Cash 22.00
GW Commercial Heating Ltd New Thermostatic Radiator Value 58.32
RCCE Village Halls Membership 60.00
A-Z Supplies Noticeboard (Bluebells will reimburse) 203.99
Zoe’s Cleaning Cleaning 504.00
September 2016
General Account
DD – CBC Garage Rent 50.08
Tfr to Hall Acct VAT Return 646.66
Tfr to Hall Acct A-Z Invoice – 1 Bx of A4 Paper 14.99
Countrywide Grass Cutting 151.00
Tree & Lawn Co Ltd Oak Tree – New Church Rd 600.00
Printerland Toner 66.96
CBC Building Regs Inspec Fee – Toilets 209.58
Phil Chatfield War Memorial Spec 150.00
George Browns Inspection – Ride On Mower 100.80
Anglian Inspection Services Lorkin Daniell Playground Inspection 150.00
EALC Good Councillor Guide Bk 10.30
EALC VAT Course – LW 85.00
Anglian Water Water – Poors Land 11.70
Anglian Water Water – Allotments 72.37
WBFC Grass Cutting 40.00
Mail Boxes Etc Village Bulletin 655.00
LCR NALC Magazine 17.00
Laura Walkingshaw Petty Cash Replenishment 66.52
Laura Walkingshaw Travel Expenses – CILCA Course Apr-Sept 139.44
J & M Payroll Services Staff Wages & HMRC 2687.47
Printerland Toner for Clerk & CS 257.29
Laura Walkingshaw Land Registry – Neighbourhood Plan 9.95
David Hewitt Handyman Expenses 66.81
Andrew Savage Neigh Plan Printing Expenses 749.90
Orpen Hall Account
DD – Col Skip Hire Rubbish Skip 131.57
DD – CNG Gas 52.26
DD – Utility Warehouse Mobile, Broadband, MUGA Electricity 66.82
DD – E-on Electricity 384.49
Tfr to Gen Act Hall Admin & Handyman’s Time 487.12
CBC Premises Licence 70.00
Victoria Beckwith-Cole Toiletries 34.89
Elanar Technical Services Ltd Boiler Services 337.63
Howdens Joinery Co. Hinges 14.16
DrainMaintain Emergency Drain Clearance 216.00
Zoe’s Cleaning Cleaning 900.00
A to Z Supplies Stationery & Cleaning Products 93.50
Howdens Joinery Co. Door Fixings 109.20

c) To resolve to admit all West Bergholt Parish Council staff to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) operated by Essex County Council.

Resolved – Cllr Savage proposed to admit all West Bergholt Parish Council staff to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) operated by Essex County Council. Cllr Stevenson seconded. All in favour.

d) To agree how to spend the RCCE Village of the Year prize money of £350

The following were some of the ideas that had previously been brought forward:

  • Adopt a grave
  • Another bench
  • Flower bed around the village sign
  • Cover for the allotment stall
  • “Village of the Year” signs as enter/exit the village
  • Second plaque on the beacon, saying re-lit for Queen’s 90th
  • Something special for those who contribute so much to the village – a “token” reward

Resolved – It was agreed to purchase the Village of the Year signs for all three entrances to the village as they were the most relevant to what had been achieved.

Action – Environment Committee to research the various types and costings for the sign.

Although the cover for the allotment stall was a very popular idea, as in just the few summer months it has raised £2000, it was suggested by Cllr Savage that the Allotment Committee apply for part of the Borough Councillors Fund.

e) To agree to establish a Chairman’s Fund of £250

Resolved – It was proposed by Cllr Savage to establish a Chairman’s Fund of £250 from next year for various sundry items. Seconded by Cllr Butcher, All in favour.

Cllr Savage requested that he be invited to attend upcoming sub-committee meetings to discuss next year’s budgetary requirements.

8.   Communications

 a) To note the resignation of the Village Bulletin Editor, Bernard Colbron and the progress with identifying a replacement.

Cllr Harlow reported that following a preliminary meeting with the Bulletin representatives, two people wish to be considered for the role of Editor. Once the decision is made by the Bulletin group the name will be provided to the Council. It is considered important to get the next Bulletin edition out on time as they don’t want to lose the network of distributors that they already have, even though it will be all hands on deck.

Cllr Savage checked the process for submitting information to the Bulletin, Cllr Stevenson reported that all articles should be forwarded to Susan Leng & Susan Swann.

There will be a possible re-launch of the Bulletin around March as the whole team were happy to have a refresh of the Bulletin. Cllr Harlow and Cllr Stevenson are happy to support the group.

We wish Bernard, the former editor, well as it is understood that he is unwell at present.

 b) To receive an update regarding the West Bergholt Community Broadband Group

Aaron Williams, representing the Community Broadband Group, relayed a message from Philip Edwards. He informed the group that all the background work should be completed by or on 30th September. County Broadband will be releasing a statement soon, but not sure how, whether they use the Bulletin or contact Dave Kingaby on the website, to update residents on their progress.

9.   Progress Report from Clerk

(Appendix 2)

Clerk presented her report and an update of the outstanding actions were:

  • War Memorial – contact Gill Poole again to see if she has heard from the other mgt company.
  • WI Bench – Handymen will repair. Move to Env. Committee & report back to WI.
  • Cllr Stevenson looking at Comms Action Plan – Communications is due another meeting.
  • Cllr Butcher to as for business plan from WBFC Café – has met with WBFC, unlikely to have a plan
  • 20mph Signs – CS to chase with Anne Brown
  • Hall Flower Beds – working party Oct 1st 11am.
  • Village Fete – yes, the interest is there.

Committee were pleased to note the return of Cllr Stone, who hopes to be back more fully next month.

10.   Planning

a) The minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 17th August 2016 (Appendix 3) were received and the decisions noted on the applications:

(Appendix 3)

  • 161762 – Queens Head Pub, Queens Road – Observation – The Parish Council have no objection to the design, but have sympathy with neighbouring residents regarding the road safety & the noise concerns. We would ask the planner to pay due regard to the number of objections, however it is understandable regarding the proximity to residents. The Council would like to recommend the incorporation of an external smoking area to be provided inside the new garden area, so to stop people smoking at the front of the pub, with all the noise and mess implications that incurs.
  • 161473 – 39 Lexden Road – Recommendation – The Parish Council supported this application previously and still support it.

b) The minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 14th September 2016 (Appendix 4) were also received and noted.

(Appendix 4)

c) The submission of the Parish Council’s response to Colchester Borough Council’s Draft Local Plan consultation was noted. This was emailed to Planning Policy and submitted online to the Local Plan Consultation Portal.

11.   Neighbourhood Plan

a) An oral report was received on the timetable of activities for the forthcoming consultations into the draft neighbourhood plan.

The consultation should be available online prior to the exhibitions on the 8th & 15th October.

Action – Clerk to confirm rota for the Exhibitions.

12.   Environment and Highways

a) The minutes from the Environment Committee meeting held on 8th September 2016 (Appendix 5) were received.

(Appendix 5)

b) The Council acknowledged receipt of the Lorkin Daniell Playground Inspection Report dated 17th August 2016. The Handymen have started to rectify any issues, although nothing major was identified.

c) To agree to make the Parish Council vehicle a permanent asset as recommended by the Finance Committee now that the pilot period is over.

Resolved – It was proposed by Cllr Stevenson to make the Parish Council vehicle a permanent asset. Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour. Will need to look at this budget wise next year.

d) To clarify the procedure of requesting the services of the WBPC Handymen.

Cllr Gili-Ross wished to clear up the confusion of the use of the Handymen’s time. All work time is to be dictated by the Chair of the Environment Committee, or the Vice Chair in his absence. If the Premises Committee need things to be done in the Hall, then a request should be sent to the Chair of Environment, who knows what is safely within their skillset. As an aside, the Handymen are working well.

e) An oral report was received on the progress of the Traffic & Safety Working Party.

Action – Clerk to send Traffic Safety Report to all Parish Councillors.

  • Borough Councillor Barber will be turning it into an Action Plan
  • Cllr Barber will also be speaking to a variety of landowners regarding parking.
  • There will be a promo event in February.
  • There is now an online tool – Trygve – which can record misdemeanours and name & shame offenders.
  • Rachel Hopkins will also be co-ordinating an initiative at the school, for the children to influence the parents into good habits.

f) To decide whether to accept the offer from Place Services (ECC) to undertake a tree survey of the Parish Council’s trees.

Action – Clerk to obtain a tree survey from another parish to give to Cllr Spencer to discuss with the rest of the Environment Committee.

13.   Premises and Recreation

a) The minutes from the Premises Committee meeting held on 5th Sept 2016 (Appendix 6) were received.

(Appendix 6)

b) To receive an update from the Premises Chair on the Orpen Hall Toilet refurbishment

Cllr Butcher reported that he had just received the Completion Certificate from CBC for the work. The final invoice had arrived and although Cllr Tyrrell went through the snagging items today, there were still 6 or 7 items still left.

Action – Cllr Tyrrell to send Cllr Butcher an email to sort out the list.

The Parish Council would like to thank Cllr Butcher and Cllr Tyrrell for all their hard work with the Orpen Hall toilet refurbishment.

14.   Training

a) The following training was undertaken during the last couple of months by Councillors or the Clerk:

  • General Power of Competence – CS
  • Councillor Training Days 1 & 2 – PS & PC
  • CILCA – Finance – LW
  • Laws & Procedures – CS
  • CILCA – Community Engagement – LW

Items to Note

(available on table at meeting)

  1. Correspondence Log – Aug/Sept 2016
  2. Essex Rural Partnership
  3. EALC County Update – Annual Report 15-16
  4. EALC County Update – Aug-Sept 2016
  5. EALC Legal Update – Sept 2016
  6. CALC- Minutes of Sept 2016
  7. LCR – NALC Magazine – Autumn 2016
  8. Oyster – RCCE – Summer 2016
  9. Clerk & Councils Direct – Sept 2016
  10. Online Playgrounds – Catalogue
  11. Crime Statistics – July 2016

In Committee

Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).

No items were discussed.

Date of Next Meeting

Meeting closed at 9.10pm – Next meeting will be Wednesday 26th October at 7.30pm in John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road



Signed:                                                         Date:                               Position in Council:

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