Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 26th October at 7.30 pm
Chair: | Chris Stevenson |
Parish Councillors Present: | Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Andrew Savage, Janet Crichton, Phil Spencer, Phil Cook, Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough Councillors: | Cllr Brian Jarvis, Cllr Lewis Barber |
Present: | 9 members of the public |
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Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the Public |
Apologies were received from Cllr Gili-Ross
RESOLVED – that the apologies be accepted. |
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Questions from registered electors |
(maximum time allowed for this item is 15 minutes – please inform the Clerk if you wish to speak prior to the meeting commencing) | ||
2a | Nicole Long – representative of the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church came to ask support for what is the oldest building in the village, the St Mary’s Old Church. The old church was the centre of worship and community life until the new church was opened in 1904. It was still used for summer services and weddings, but in 1975 it was declared redundant and placed in the care of what is now the CCT (Churches Conservation Trust). It is still a consecrated building and there are 6 Sunday services a year, Weddings, Blessings and of course, the popular Christmas Carol Service. The Church is opened every day and last year reported visitor numbers reached 17,000.
Mrs. Henderson left the Church a considerable amount of money for decorating the interior (to remedy the loose plaster & flaking paint) However, the CCT were concerned that the building should be water-tight before the work commences and have drawn up plans to do this, equating to £100,000 of work. The Trust have secured funding of most it, but there will be a short fall of £10,000 which they want to be raised locally. The Friends already have £2,000 from previous events, which leaves £8,000 to be found. The Friends are about to start a fundraising campaign, appeal letters will be delivered to every house in the village within the next week and so would like to ask the Parish Council if they will support the cause in any way they can. Their first event will be a Table Top Sale in the Orpen Hall on Saturday 19th November and they hoped the Parish Council would re-fund the booking fee for that and for another event early next year. RESOLVED – Parish Council to waive the booking fee and refund it as a donation. The Parish Council would also be happy to do plenty of advertising for their campaign and will bear the Friends in mind when they consider their grant allocations in Feb/March next year, so long as this is within the Council’s standing orders and regulatory scope. Approaching the Borough Councillors, with regards to the Borough Councillor Fund, would also be recommended. |
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Declarations of Interest |
Cllr Stevenson declared an interest in items relating to Essex County Council, particularly Highway issues. | ||
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Minutes |
RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 28th September 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. | ||
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Report from Colchester Borough Councillors |
5a | Borough Councillor Barber reported:
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Village Bulletin Quiz |
Cllr Stevenson presented the Village Quiz proceeds of £336 to Will Owen, the Parkinson’s UK (Colchester) representative and thanked the organisers for all their hard work. A photo of the presentation was taken for the westbergholt.net website. | ||
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Finance |
7a | Statement of accounts for Sept 2016 (circulated at the meeting)
The final accounts for Sept 2016 were presented as follows: The General Account showed 95% income, 55% general expenditure, 47% environment expenditure and 51% expenditure overall. The Hall Account showed 67% income and 35% expenditure. It was noted that there has been no payment from the West Bergholt Social Club for water, rates, insurance or waste removal in this current financial year. There has also been no rent paid since June 2016, the current outstanding amount stands at £3,697.58. |
7b | RESOLVED – To approve the following cheques for payment and signature in accordance with 2016/17 budget: | |
October 2016 |
General Account | |||
DD – CBC | Garage Rent | 50.08 | |
Laura Walkingshaw | Expenses for Neigh Plan Exhibition | 289.42 | |
Countrywide | Grass Cutting | 151.00 | |
CBC | Dog & Litter Bins | 290.55 | |
Printerland | Toner & Drum Unit | 196.96 | |
Parkinson’s UK (Colchester) | Village Quiz | 336.00 | |
Laura Walkingshaw | Petty Cash Replenishment | 27.71 | |
WBFC | Grass Cutting | 40.00 | |
PKF Littlejohn LLP | External Audit Fees | 360.00 | |
J & M Payroll Services | Staff Wages & HMRC | 2792.28 | |
J & M Payroll Services | Payroll Services – Sept | 27.00 | |
J & M Payroll Services | Payroll Services – Oct | 27.00 | |
Brian Butcher | Neigh Plan Expenses | 466.46 | |
EALC | Training – Advanced Cllr Day – CS | 75.00 | |
QMS | Beacon | 291.95 | |
KingServ | Website Services | 264.00 | |
David Hewitt | Expenses (Benches & Garage) | 195.39 | |
Orpen Hall Account | |||
DD – Col Skip Hire | Rubbish Skip | 147.31 | |
DD – Utility Warehouse | Mobile, Broadband, MUGA Electricity | 67.04 | |
Howdens | Hinge for JL Hall | 14.16 | |
The Fire Extinguisher Man | Fire Extinguisher Service | 169.74 | |
Howdens | Screws for JL Hall | 8.40 | |
Howdens | Items for Garage Divider | 20.40 | |
Howdens | Items for Garage Divider | 2.93 | |
Tfr to Gen Act | Wages | 326.91 | |
Tfr to Gen Act | DH Expenses & Time – Door & Divider | 153.95 | |
Zoe’s Cleaning | Cleaning | 756.00 | |
Victoria Beckwith-Cole | Expenses | 6.99 | |
Kent Blaxill | Syphon for JL Toilet | 28.04 | |
7c | Proposed Precept Capping Plan
There is currently a consultation being undertaken to propose that any Parish Council Precept increase over 2% would require a local referendum. A draft response letter to these plans which had been previously circulated to Councillors, no amendments were required, was approved. RESOLVED –To confirm the Parish Council’s response letter to the proposed Precept capping plan. ACTION – Clerk to send the Borough Councillors a copy of the proposals and West Bergholt Parish Council’s response. |
7d | It was noted that, now the Orpen Hall toilet refurbishment is nearing its end, the Finance Committee are currently ensuring all sources of funding are being accumulated. The final figures will be reported at the next meeting. | ||
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Communications |
The new Village Bulletin editor was announced as Jacqui Kibby, she will be using the email address of [email protected].The Parish Council wishes her every success in her new role.
ACTION – Cllr Stevenson to provide the webmaster with Jacqui’s contact phone no. ACTION – Clerk to provide Jacqui with the printer, Steven Sleigh’s contact details. The deadline for the next Bulletin is 01/11/16. |
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Progress Report from Clerk |
Clerk presented her report and an update of the outstanding actions were:
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Planning |
10a | The minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 19th October 2016 were received and the decision noted on the following application:
10b | The following recommendations were made by the Planning Committee at the meeting held on 19th October 2016:
RESOLVED – to make these recommendations into decisions. |
10c | Planning Application 161891 (Storage Container) – The planning application was for a “Change of Use”, which the Planning Officer appears happy with, however not with the actual building or storage unit.
RESOLVED – to formally withdraw the planning application, rather than have it refused. ACTION – Clerk to withdraw the application and to formally arrange for the Councillors to meet the Planner for her advice on the next steps. |
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Neighbourhood Plan |
An oral report following the recent consultations of the draft neighbourhood plan was received. Cllr Stevenson took the formal opportunity to thank everyone involved for two very good days of exhibition, with 400-500 people attending. That was the informal consultation, a second formal consultation will be needed next year once the lines of the planned areas have been drawn onto the maps. Two more sites have since come forward from landowners and a figure of 100-150 dwellings minimum has come from new CBC documentation.
ACTION – Cllr Butcher will check this figure with Rachel Forkin of CBC and Borough Cllr Barber will also check & report back. 50 questionnaires were completed during the exhibitions, 53 postcard comments written, approximately 40 questionnaires have been returned to the Co-op and 50 Survey Monkey surveys have been completed so far. ACTION – Cllr Stevenson to put something out on the website to remind people The date of the next meeting is Wed 2nd Nov at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall. |
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Environment and Highways |
12a | The minutes from the Environment Committee meeting held on 13th Oct 2016 were received.
Cllr Spencer informed the Council that TCV have agreed to work on the village’s ponds in early January next year. It will involve around 4 days’ work, 2 days at Hall Road and one each at the Lexden Road & Queens Road ponds, costing approximately £800. |
12b | A verbal update from the representative of the Traffic Safety Group was received.
Cllr Stone reported that the Traffic Safety Group had had another meeting and that the Trygve app was now being used to regularly report bad parking & traffic incidents. The notices used previously in New Church Road are going to be used again, with repeat offenders being reported to the Parking Partnership. Trygve will provide the evidence and give data on problem hot spots. There will be an open day on 25th February, as stated earlier by Borough Cllr Barber, as part of the 5E’s programme. ACTION – Cllr Stevenson will ask Dave Kingaby to put a link on westbergholt.net |
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Premises and Recreation |
The minutes from the Premises Committee meeting held on 10th Oct 2016 were received.
Cllr Butcher thanked Cllr Harlow for chairing the meeting in his absence. |
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Churches |
An oral report from the recent meetings with St Mary the Virgin’s Church, regarding the future of their churchyard was received.
Cllr Stevenson updated the Council that he, Cllr Stone & Cllr Harlow have met with the Church representatives twice now, discussing the likely closure of the churchyard inside the next two years. The implications for the Parish Council are twofold; it will have to pick up the future maintenance of the site and there will be a need to examine for a new burial ground. However, before they get to that stage there is the possibility of extending the size of the existing churchyard. It’s not just a West Bergholt problem, Neighbourhood Plans nationwide are being encouraged to think about planning for new burial grounds. A lot of people in this village have relatives there or will want to be buried here so it warrants research, although the closure will not affect the interment of cremations or similar. Cllr Stone reported that they had asked the Church to provide an indication of how much it costs to maintain the churchyard and the plans of the churchyard giving an indication of which parts are consecrated. Volunteers from “Grave Concern” are currently looking after some of the neglected plots and the Church has received a bequest which will provide some money for a few years. The Councillors and the Church have agreed to meet quarterly and create an action plan. Cllr Spencer would like to be included in those discussions. |
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Training |
It was noted that the following training was undertaken during the month of October by the Clerk:
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Items to Note (available on table at meeting) |
17 | In Committee | ||
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). | |||
No items were discussed. | |||
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Date of Next Meeting |
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road | |||
Meeting closed at 9.04pm |
Signed: | Date: | Position on Council: |