Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 22nd May 2013 at 7.30p.m.
Chair | Harry Stone |
Parish Councillors Present | Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage, David Short, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell, Rachel Young |
Parish Clerk | Val Walsom |
Borough Councillors | Councillor Harrington |
Present: | 3 members of the public, Martin Hopkins (Representing the Scout Group) |
Part I – Public
1. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from John Gili-Ross, Phil Walby and Councillor Willetts.
2. Questions from registered electors
Martin Hopkins represented the Scout Group to respond to questions raised at a meeting with John Gili-Ross and Harry Stone as follows:
- All members of the Scout Group are fully aware and have discussed the situation regarding the Licence.
- The Scouts Association Trust Corporation will sign the Licence.
- The Licence has been sent to the Scouts Association Trust Corporation Trust to be looked through. A timescale of the outcome of this is not yet known as the Trust has to find old records.
Martin Hopkins advised that the Scout Group is keen to resolve the situation as soon as possible and will keep the Parish Council informed.
Bob Tyrrell commented on the strategies of the Parish Council.
3. Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council
There were no items received.
4. Declarations of Interest
Chris Stevenson declared an interest in discussions relating to highways (Items 8b and 11c).
5. Minutes
Following an amendment to Item 3 of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting to read Chris Stevenson (not Chris Stephenson) in the heading, minutes of the Council meetings held on Wednesday 24th April 2013 were approved and signed.
6. Finance
a) Statement of Accounts for April 2013
The accounts for April 2013 were presented as follows:
- The General Account showed 47% income, 6% general expenditure, 5% environment expenditure and 6% expenditure overall.
- The Hall Account showed 15% income and 12% expenditure.
b) Draw cheques
It was proposed by AS and seconded by CS to make the following payments:
Payment Details | Expense Purpose |
Amount |
Ernest Doe and Sons | Hi vis waistcoat |
11.50 |
David Short | Ink cartridge |
22.99 |
EALC | Course |
43.00 |
Inland Revenue | PAYE |
221.00 |
AON Ltd | Annual insurance |
4036.46 |
Countrywide | Grass cutting |
220.00 |
Elanar Technical Services | Boiler service |
307.83 |
David Short | Decorating materials |
60.00 |
V Beckwith-Cole | Refuse sacks/photocopier ink |
118.76 |
Mike’s Cleaning Services | Cleaning |
550.00 |
Roberts Cleaning | Window cleaning |
30.00 |
Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Gary Walls and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.
[Click to view Accounts – Summary Accounts April 2013]
c) To approve the 2012/2013 Annual Accounts and Report for Auditors
The Parish Council Annual Accounts and the Audit Commission Annual return for the year ended 31st March 2013 were presented. It was proposed by AS, seconded by JC and agreed by all present to approve the Accounts and the Return as presented.
BT queried whether the insured amount for the village hall was adequate. He will notify the clerk of the floor area.
[Click to view Annual Accounts – Parish Accounts 2012-2013]
d) Annual Review of Risk Assessments
It was agreed that the current risk assessments need to be updated. The clerk will contact Zurich’s Local Council Advisory Service for advice. It was agreed that an external advisor would be contracted to update the risk assessments as, although Gary Walls has received training on Risk Assessment, this may be out of date.
Fire Risk Assessment and Asbestos Management for the halls will also be reviewed.
e) Update on Grants – Hall car park and stage lighting
The grant for stage lighting was not successful. However, it was agreed that the project will still go ahead. The Orpen Players will act as project managers and liaise with PW. The project is expected to cost £4500 and the Orpen Players have agreed to contribute £500 towards this.
Hall Car Park – See Item 10c.
f) Stage curtain refurbishment
The curtains will be cleaned and flame proofed at a cost of £175. A local curtain maker will carry out the repairs. Necessary certificates as proof of flame resistance will be sought.
g) CCTV repairs
CCTV cameras are to be repaired and repositioned as necessary at a cost of £180.
h) Scout Hut Licence and rent update
It was agreed that as long as negotiations move along and the PC is kept informed then no formal eviction letter will be sent to the Scouts Association Trust Association.
7. Clerk’s Items to Note
a) EALC Courses
- Chairmen’s Day 1 – 26/06/13
- Chairmen’s Day 2 – 24/07/13
b) EALC Awards to be entered
- Communication
- Community Engagement
- Localism in Action
- Website
8. Report from Colchester Borough Council
CS declared an interest on items in all items relating to highways and took no part in any discussions.
Councillor Harrington reported the following:
- Report on Potholes
Councillor Anne Brown will be asked for an update. However some progress has been made. - Progress on 20mph speed limit
MH is on the Task and Finishing Group and reported that some progress has been made. The group has decided that no more surveys will be undertaken. However, action is needed. - Colin Sykes was appointed as the new Mayor of Colchester.
- Six travellers’ caravans arrived in Seven Star Green. They have been moved on but are currently circling the area looking for somewhere else to park.
- The Cul-de-sac at the top of Pirie Road is to be renamed Maple Court.
- An elderly gentleman made a complaint about an uneven pavement at the top of Pirie Road after he stumbled. It was felt that the pavement was no worse than any others.
- The driver of an articulated lorry which broke down on Newbridge Hill was arrested and fined. The Police will monitor the area.
- CBC Zone Managers warden has agreed to hold a meeting with senior residents to discuss issues in the village. This will be an item on next month’s agenda. MH will arrange a meeting with the relevant groups.
9. Village Bulletin and Communications
a) Receive update from Village Bulletin Editor
The June edition will be distributed at the beginning of June.
b) Receive update from Village Communications Officer
MH reported that the website now has 65 local businesses listed. We are currently waiting for the Neighbourhood Plan section of the website to be activated.
Actions from the website monthly report are to be brought to the next meeting for discussion.
10. Planning
a) To approve comments and decisions for Planning Applications (Report from the Planning Committee’s meeting on 17th April 2013 was received):
130647 – 18 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road – Objected
130787 – 12 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road – Objected
130800 – Cooks Hall Farm, Cooks Hall Road – Supported
[Click to review full report – Planning Committee May 2013 report]
b) Project plan for resurfacing car park
G Doldan Associates has been appointed Project Managers for a fee of 10% of the project cost. They will now be asked to produce the layout showing the finished car park levels and drainage details for the project. BT is currently too busy to assist with this. It is hoped that the work will be completed during the summer holiday.
c) Neighbourhood Plan
- The front cover of the latest edition of the Village Bulletin will feature the Neighbourhood Plan. An 8 page insert including the questionnaire will also be part of the Bulletin. The online version of the questionnaire will be live from 1st June. Returned questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw – a hamper provided by the Co-op. Questionnaires need to be returned by the end of June.
- The formal process of coming up with ideas and producing the plan will start next year.
11. Environment and Highways
a) RCCE Grant to purchase a rotovator
Transporting machinery, including the rotovator is damaging Gary Walls’ van. The Environment Working Party will discuss the possibility of purchasing a van or trailer.
b) Village Assets
There is the possibility that Charity Land is on CBCs plan for future buildings. It was agreed that all Charity Land is to be added to the Asset List.
c) Progress on build out on New Church Road
CS declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion.
A resident close to the proposed build out has expressed his concern to ECC about the project. It was agreed that it would be useful if the Traffic Working Party engaged with residents in New Church Road to discuss the proposed build out.
12. Premises and Recreation
a) Orpen Hall kitchen repairs and refurbishments
BT has advised that he won’t have time to look at the proposed plans for the kitchen refurbishments and has passed them back to the Premises and Recreation Working Party.
b) Cash Float for Hall Administrator
The Hall Administrator has requested a cash float to enable her to give change to hirers requiring it. The Clerk will discuss with her how best to organise this.
c) To discuss the feasibility of allowing 18th birthday parties in the hall
A request to hold an 18th birthday party in the Orpen Memorial Hall has been made. These have usually been refused in the past. Following discussion it was agreed to allow the party to take place and to request a deposit to cover any additional cleaning required. The future of such parties will be dependent on the outcome of this one.
d) Friendship Club lettings rate
It was agreed to increase the rate for the Friendship Club from £5 to £6 for their 2 hour session. This represents 50% of the full rate. In future their rate will increase in line with the full rate increase.
Items to Note
- EALC – Country Update – April 2013
- RCCE Oyster – Spring 2013
- Clerks and Councils Direct – May 2013
- Bus and Train Maps for Essex – May 2013
Part II – In Committee
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).
The Future of subcommittee and working party meetings of the Parish Council was discussed.
Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 26th June 2013 at 7.30p.m.
The meeting closed at 9.20p.m.