Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting 24th April 2013

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 24th April 2013 at 9p.m.

Chair John Gili-Ross
Parish Councillors Present Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage, David Short, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell, Phil Walby and Rachel Young.
Parish Clerk Val Walsom
Borough Councillors


1. Election of Chairman

Mr John Gili-Ross was re-elected as Chairman – proposed by Mr Stone, seconded by Mrs Church.  9 votes for the proposal.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman

It was proposed by Mr Short and seconded by Mrs Church to elect Mr Harry Stone as Vice Chairman.

It was proposed by Mr Savage and seconded by Mr Stevenson to re-elect Mr Bob Tyrrell as Vice Chairman.

A vote was cast and Mr Harry Stone was elected with 4 votes against 3.

John Gili-Ross thanked Bob Tyrrell for his role as Vice Chair over the last few years.


Part I – Public

1. Receive Apologies

There were no apologies received.

2. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest received.

3. Minutes

Minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 27th March 2013 were approved and signed.

4. Finance

a) Statement of Accounts for March 2013

The accounts for March 2013 were presented as follows:

The General Account showed 101% income, 68% general expenditure, 93% environment expenditure and 76% expenditure overall.

The Hall Account showed 112% income and 78% expenditure.

These are the final accounts for the 2012/2013 Financial Year.

[Click to view Accounts – Summary Accounts March 2013]

b) Draw cheques

It was proposed by AS and seconded by HS to make the following payments:

Payment Details Expense Purpose


Ernest Doe and Sons Environment purchases


NALC LCR Subscription


Inner City Street Furniture Bike Racks


Inland Revenue PAYE


John Gili-Ross Expenses


CALC Subscription


EALC EALC/NALC Subscription


Chris Stevenson Adjuster set for Tennis Court


Countrywide Grass cutting


Andrew Savage Gift for BC


Val Walsom Refreshments for APM


Mike’s Cleaning Cleaning


Acetech Security Ltd CCTV repairs and maintenance


PDS Rodent Control


V Beckwith-Cole Items for new safe


AtoZ Supplies Paper towels/refuse sacks


Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Gary Walls and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.

c) Update on Grants – Hall Car Park and Stage Lighting and Cycle racks
  • Hall Car Park – See item 6 below.
  • The grant for Stage Lighting has been submitted and we await the outcome.  It was suggested that the Orpen Players contribute £500 towards the cost.
  • The cycle racks have been delivered including a rack for Eight Ash Green Parish Council.
d) Scout Hut rent update

Following lengthy discussion it was agreed that JG-R and HS will meet with members of the Scout committee to discuss the new Licence.  No payment has been received to date and the Scouts have not formerly acknowledged the Licence.  Should the committee fail to comply with the terms of the Licence the Scout Association Trust will be advised of the notice to quit issued in January 2013.

5. Clerk’s Items to Note

a)   EALC Course –        Village Halls Workshop – 22/05/13

6. Planning

a) To approve comments and decisions for Planning Applications (Report from the Planning Committee’s meeting on 17th April 2013 was received):

130594 – 111 Colchester Road – Observations made

130567 – 175 Colchester Road – Supported with no comments

130509 – 100 Lexden Road – Supported with no comments

130668 – Gorse Cottage, Nayland Road – Observations made

130450 – 2 Donard Drive – Objected

[Click to view the Planning Committee April 2013 draft report ver 2.]

b) Project plan for resurfacing car park

BT produced an outline plan.  It was agreed to appoint a project manager to draw up a detailed specification.  A budget of £2000 was agreed to cover the project management.

c) Neighbourhood Plan

     A letter will be sent to the Planning Policy Officer at CBC to advise that the Parish in its entirety should be a designated ‘neighbourhood area’.  This is the administrative boundary and it is logical to conclude that all and any development within the parish should be conserved and developed in a coherent and sustainable manner.

7. Environment and Highways

There was no discussion

8. Premises and Recreation

a) To discuss Orpen Hall kitchen repairs and refurbishments

The discussions are ongoing.

b) To discuss toilets at the front of the hall

The discussions are ongoing.

Items to Note

(a) EALC – Country Update – March 2013

Part II – In Committee

Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).

There were no items to discuss

Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 22nd May 2013 at 7.30p.m.

The meeting closed at 10.10p.m.


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