NEEB Holdings Apply for Planning Permission
Residents urged to have their say by 19th April
As previously forewarned, NEEB Holdings Limited have now made two applications for planning permission for land adjacent to the brewery. The detailed plans are available to view online. Especially relevant, members of the public only have until 19th April to raise comments.k Comments can be made online by visiting the Colchester Borough Council website by clicking on the application links below
- Planning Application No. 180732 :
- 18 dwellings including affordable housing,
- 36 retirement living/sheltered accommodation units,
- 60-bed care home,
- vehicular and pedestrian access from Colchester Road,
- public open space, and
- structural landscaping.
- Planning Application No. 180733 :
- 26 dwellings including 30% affordable housing,
- vehicular and pedestrian access from Armoury Road and Coopers Crescent,
- public open space, and
- structural landscaping.
PC Planning Committee members will consider the applications at their next meeting; this is being held at the John Lampon Hall on 18th April and starts at 7:30 pm. They will consider a range of issues, including those noted below, before providing their own response to the applications. Finally, as is usual, local residents are welcome to attend this meeting and provide their own insights to the discussion.
Issues to Consider
Current Colchester Borough Council Local Plan
- Are the proposals in keeping with the current CBC local plan or not?
- Are there any exceptional circumstances which would justify a departure from CBC policies?
Proposed Colchester Borough Council Local Plan and West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan
- Are the sites consistent with, or in contravention of, CBC emerging Local Plan policies as published currently for consideration in the replacement Local Plan?
- Does the planning application agree with the emerging West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan?
- Are the sites sustainable?
- Will the proposals cause problems to the local infrastructure?
- Does the village want or need the proposed facilities in this location and, is the mix of development proposals suitable?
Other Matters
- The proposals are:
- outside the existing and proposed settlement boundaries.
- contrary to the policies in the current CBC local plan and the emerging replacement Local Plan.
- The emerging Colchester Local Plan requires West Bergholt Village to accommodate an additional 120 houses over the next 15 years.
- A draft Neighbourhood Plan is in preparation and proposes a different site to the land being suggested by NEEB Holdings.
- West Bergholt Parish Council and the NP Steering Group have spent four years working on the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.