Summer into Autumn for History Group
The village History Group has an active calendar of events throughout the year as instanced by this recent update.
In June the group visited Mount Bures where they were shown round the church and ‘up the Mount’.
July’s trip was to Boxted. First visiting the Church then a walking tour around the old village. Most of the houses have false fronts but behind are ancient rooms and layouts. Some of the properties still show signs of trades that took part in past village life.
In August the group visited Bradwell juxta Coggeshall Church and September saw the return to the Orpen Hall with a talk by Roger Green on ‘Green Men’.
The group meets every second Wednesday, except December, in the Orpen Hall starting at 7.30pm. Do come along and give them a try! Members of the group have been instrumental in compiling lots of the local history on this website.
The History Group’s small WW1 exhibition at St. Mary’s Old Chuch has been a success. It will now be on display for the next few months – so get along there and see it!
For more information about the group contact Bernard Colbron on 240297.