Great responses to neighbourhood survey

Logo of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan project
Our village & parish life in our hands

The neighbourhood survey has resulted in around 450 replies representing around a third of all households!  The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have issued the following update:

A Big “Thank you” to all who completed the:

Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire

The West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire which appeared in June’s Bulletin has been enthusiastically supported by residents in the village and wider parish area. Around 450 replies were received with a third being filled in on line via the link in the West Bergholt Website.

A big THANK YOU to all who filled it in; this represents about a third of all households who receive the Bulletin and means that the survey will be a representative sample of the community’s views. A big THANK YOU also to Ash’s, the doctor’s surgery and the Co-op for their willingness to have the collection boxes. The draws for the hamper and the voucher for the youngsters will be made shortly.

All the written comments have been read, and we will endeavour to incorporate them in our final analysis. That will now take place over the next few weeks with the Steering Group members busily collating and reading all responses. Without wanting to give too much away: traffic issues topped the list of concerns as it did with the previous Parish Plan survey.

The area of the Neighbourhood Plan has now also been ratified by the Borough Council. Following the end of the consultation on this matter and a recent Planning Committee, our plan area is now confirmed as corresponding to the existing Parish boundary.

We will keep you informed of the outcome of the questionnaire analysis via future Bulletins but the survey results are likely to be published initially on We will also endeavour to contact those that showed an interest in joining the Steering Group – but why not check the notice boards and come along to the next advertised meeting.

As ever please feel free to contact Chris Stevenson ([antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or 01206 241708) or Murray Harlow ([antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or 01206 240792) on any aspect of the plan and its preparation.

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