With this course, starting on 13th January, the Workers Educational Association are addressing a very different subject to follow their successful autumn course.
The course provides a comprehensive overview of Spanish art and architecture over the years from pre-historic cave paintings to the productive 16th and 17th centuries and thence right up to date. There will of course be the usual visual aids and also weekly handouts. The tutor is Catherine Dell who lived and worked for several years in Spain, which gives her valuable backing to lead this course. (Pictured right is Gaudi’s [still] unfinished masterpiece – La Sagrada Família in Barcelona).
The course follows an established pattern of ten Tuesday evenings 8pm to 9.40pm at the Methodist Church Hall with its wheelchair access and loop system, if required. Fees are £43 standard (no concessionary rates possible unfortunately), with nil fees for those on income related benefits or JSA; also financial help should be obtainable if net household income is under £15,050 per annum. If you are unsure whether this course is really for you, please come and sample the first evening free. Further information available from our secretary on 01206 240791.