Environment & Highways – 14th March 2024

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th March 2024 with topics including:

Hall Road pond after silt clearance
  • Handyman update including:
    • grass cutting,
    • litter picking,
    • play equipment inspection,
    • laying foundations for a shed, and
    • storm damage,
  • Works undertaken by Arches Plant Hire on behalf of the Parish Council at Hall Road Pond and
  • The Practice Goal on the Lorkin Daniell Field.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 14th March 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm

Members present:Cllrs Katie Pulford (KP), David Short (DS), Manya Barrow (MB) and James Owers (JO)
Also present:Two members of the public

1.     Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs John Gili-Ross and Harry Stone

2.     Declarations of Interests

Cllr. Katie Pulford declared that she had had some business dealings with Fairfield’s Farms in the past.

3.     Minutes & actions from previous meeting

The minutes of the 8th February 2024 were approved. No further comment.

4.     Public participation

The residents advised that they wished to apply for one particular footpath across an area of Fairfield’s land and they provided photos and diagrams of the routes discussed. They were advised by the Committee that in the first instance they should attempt to engage in dialogue with Fairfield’s by way of a formal letter outlining their proposals and then hopefully engage further in the future.

5.     Handymen’s report:

  1. Grass cutting and litter picking is underway.
  2. The concrete foundation for the shed has been laid.
  3. Completion of the quarterly inspection of the play equipment has been carried out and checks on the MUGA have also been carried out.
  4. Storm damage to trees and bushes has been dealt with and assistance with flood work around the village has been given.

The committee would like to place on record its appreciation and thanks to the Handymen for their work during the recent floods especially in rescuing three vehicles stranded in the Argents Lane.

6.     Village ponds

Village ponds – Flooding around Hall Road Pond has been resolved by excavating approx. 100 tons of silt thus lowering the level of the water in the pond. Additionally, a section of an adjacent ditch was excavated which exposed a blocked culvert. The culvert was rodded out and unblocked causing any excess water to drain away. The work was carried out by Arches Plant Hire.

Interestingly, it was noted that there are many newts in the pond and also that the ducks returned to the pond as soon as the work was completed.

7.     Armoury Road hedge

The damaged trees have been reinstated.

8.     PROW (Public Right of Way)

See section 4 above.

9.     Practice goal area

Tenders for refurbishment of the practice goal have been received from three contractors and a further three are expected. This work is anticipated to be costly and at present funds are not available and will have to be sourced in due course.

10.  Upcoming Environment Committee items

Other than the foregoing, none were recorded.

11.  Date of next meeting

The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 11th April 2024, at 4.30pm in the SC Meeting Room.

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