Environment & Highways – 14th February 2019

Environment & Highways – 14th February 2019

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th February and discussed play equipment, village of the year competition, tree replacement, allotments & much more.

Environment Committee Minutes

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 14th February 2019 in Social Club meeting room

Committee members present: Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, David Short
Apologies: John Gili-Ross

In attendance – Laura Walkinshaw (parish clerk) and three members of the public


Playground equipment

The Playground Advisory Group has met a few times. CIF funding of £10,000 has been provided. We will need to send information of how it is being used. The community will need to match fund this. £5,000 has be requested from Section 106 money. The Community intends to raise the other £5,000.  £207.37 has been raised so far by the new Film Club. The Allotment Committee has agreed to contribute from the Charity Stall donations in the coming year. The Playground Advisory Group is looking into crowd funding.

It is proposed that the first item to be purchased will be a Zip Wire. The cost of this is being investigated. An item for disabled children will be required. There will be 3- year phases for the project. Meanwhile, the current Climbing Fame will be retained but will need attention to bring it up to scratch and provide a safe surface, so a quote is being sought. The latest Playground Inspection Report has been received, no immediate action is required.

Outdoor Gym equipment – David has figures for this and will be discussing the availability of grant funding with Chris.



Hedging along Lexden Road side of the Orpen Field

A resident requested that the hedging be lowered so that any bad behaviour by older children can be observed and that passing cars are alerted to the presence of younger children. There is an unstable hawthorn tree amongst the hedging which needs to be made safe and agreement was reached regarding reducing the height of the hedge to chest height. TLC presented a quote of £710.00. PS


Village ponds

Queens Road Pond is now full. It is proposed to transplant some Water Plantain from Hall Road pond to this pond.

Both ponds need to have the rails repainted. The handymen will do this.

The trees in the middle of Lexden Road pond need attention. The wild willows need cutting back to allow the Silver Birch to survive.



Next financial year Ivor will replace the necessary bollards. There will need to be one “drop-down” bollard to enable the mower to access both sides of the grass areas.

The potholes on the footpath will be remedied by the handymen.

The gorse on the Heath will be cut back by the handymen.



Traffic hazard at junction of Hall Road and Lexden Road

The school buses are still parking here. We await a bus marking to be put in further down the road.

A letter has been sent to the owners of the trees at High Trees to request that they are cut back as they are obscuring the view of traffic.




Allotments Report.

The charity table received donations of £4000 last year. It was agreed that they would donate any funds raised this coming year to the new Playground Equipment fund.


Handymen report

Nigel has been on a Tree course. He found this very useful and a report of the course has been sent to Phil.

The small gate exit from Poor’s Land will need fixing as it does not automatically close. This will need to be done by Easter by the handymen.



Lockable container

This will be required for storing chemicals. An old small fridge/freezer would be suitable. Laura proposed she put a request out on the Hub. Laura


Tree replacement

Neighbouring residents of the Lorkin Daniell Field reported that with the removal of the two trees within the hedging along the field beside their property in Henderson Close they are now rather exposed. They proposed that the trees should be replaced and suggested that they would make a request to Glenmoor, the developers of the site, to ask for a contribution. They would also be happy to donate to any future planting that the Parish Council undertook in that area.  A tree removal and replacement policy is required. PS & Laura


Ditch along New Church Road.

Quotes are needed for dredging the ditch. The contractor who did Eight Ash Green’s heath has been asked. Laura to find ditch clearance costs previously received from another contractor. PS & Laura


Essex Village of the Year

An application for the Parish Council to enter has been drafted by Harry and Norma, Chris is currently reviewing the text. HS


Armoury Road

Note: AMENDMENT – to Environment P10 Jan 2019 minutes. Item 17 Potholes in Armoury Road – the potholes referred to were along the Armoury Farm section of the Road, which is privately owned and maintained. The first part of the road from the junction with Colchester Road to Lodge Court is the responsibility of Essex County Council. Colchester Borough Council has responsibility for the remaining section up to where the main section of housing finishes, before it passes through the private section of the road that leads to Armoury Farm.



Street Furniture

This will be cleaned tomorrow February 15th.


Replacement Bus Shelter

This has been ordered and delivery will be the end of April. The bus timetable post will to be removed and a flag fitted to the new shelter.


New Dog Waste Bin

Laura will order this. Agreed to purchase a 25 litre Fido waste bin in red with a post. The cost will be £126.69 +VAT. Laura

Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th March at 5.30pm in the Social Club meeting room.


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