Environment & Highways – 13th July 2017
The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 13th July and discussed a range of issues including handymen & equipment, allotments bonfire, results of village tree survey, heather and bus schedule.
Environment & Highways Report
Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2017 in Orpen Hall
Sub-committee members present | John Gili Ross, Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Janet Crichton, David Short |
Apologies | Harry Stone |
1. |
Welcome |
We welcome back David Short as a new co-opted PC member and a member of this sub-committee. | ||
2. |
Items from last meeting |
a) | Roof of duck house will be repaired by handymen. | |
b) | Albany Close – some flooding occurred after recent rain but it is clear again now. Phil will test the water to ascertain where it is coming from. | PS |
c) | Also check with Laura re Judy Macks of 2 Albany Close, | JC & Laura |
3. |
New equipment |
a) | The Stihl machine is to be returned to Doe’s to check for faults. | JGR |
b) | Still awaiting delivery of Hedge cutter. | |
c) | Car to be MOT’d next week and possibly have the tow bar fitted. | JGR |
d) | Laura to ask when the trailer will be delivered. | Laura |
4. |
Handymen work |
a) | Matt and Nigel are dealing with grass cutting and hedge trimming. | |
b) | The new wooden bollards have been set on the right hand side of the entrance to the Heath and appear quite substantial and visible. The left hand side will be done later in the year. | |
c) | The wooden information board on the Heath has been repaired by David. | |
d) | Laura will contact Bakers of Danbury to ascertain cost of repair of Village sign. | Laura |
5 |
Practice goal area |
Murray is dealing with the problem with this and is waiting to hear back from Ivor about repair. | MH | |
6 |
Allotments |
Discussed the issue re the bonfire. All householders in the area were informed and there were no complaints from the public. This sub-committee will continue to liaise with Terry Claydon and the allotment committee. | ||
7 |
Village tree survey. |
The survey of all trees on Village Trustee land has been carried out by Phil and John. Phil has produced maps of the 3 areas as a Trust Land Tree register. All trees are marked and there is a supporting list of the tree types. TPOs as needed will be added later. | ||
State of the trees and safety needs to be reviewed. The handymen will be asked to monitor the state of any trees in passing whilst working. | JGR | |
Overall, we do not have the specific expertise to monitor safety. To review this as an agenda item at the next PC meeting. | Laura | |
6 |
Heather on the Heath. |
The heather has been protected by plastic netting and is surviving. | ||
7. |
a) | Janet reported that there are possible threats of cuts to our bus service. Suggest at the moment the CBC bus timetables could be put into the Bulletin. | |
b) | Discussed suggestions re storage of equipment | |
Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th September 2017 at 6pm in Orpen Hall. |