Environment & Highways – 12th September 2024

Queens Road Pond was discussed on 12th September 2024

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th September 2024 with topics including:

  • Handymen’s update covering work such as:
    • Clearing the area behind the Football Club,
    • Removal of damaged trees & stump grinding,
    • Some light hedge trimming and grass cutting.
  • Report on the condition of ponds and the wildlife in them. 
  • Plans for contractors to do annual hedge cutting during the October half term, and
  • The upcoming replacement of “Unsuitable for HGVs” signs at both ends or Argents Lane.

Environment & Highways Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 12th September 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm

Members present:Cllrs Katie Pulford (KP), David Short (DS), Manya Barrow (MB), Brian Butcher (BTB) and John Gili-Ross (JGR) (remotely)
Also present:No members of the public

1.     Welcome & Apologies

Apologies – Cllr Harry Stone (HS)

2.     Declarations of Interests


3.     Minutes & actions from previous meeting

The minutes of the 11th July 2024 were agreed by all and there were no actions carried forward.

4.     Public participation

There were no members of the public present.

5.     Handymen’s report:

The area behind the Football Club has largely been cleared and the skip removed. The damaged trees have been removed and the stumps ground out. Some light hedge trimming has been undertaken. The garage has been cleared out and tidied up. A fault with the drum on the strimmer has been accounted for by improper loading of the drum. The new traffic signs are to be installed by end September (see item 8 below). The handymen are to assess a potential trip hazard on Colchester Rd. adjacent to Poors Land and report back. The “Give Way” sign on Colchester Rd. has been reported to ECC. Some grass cutting has taken place, and new saplings are to be located for those vandalised at the junction of Armoury Rd. and Colchester Rd. Two of the handymen are presently on holiday.

6.     Ponds

The pump previously installed in the Queen’s Head Pond has been removed without any seemingly detriment to the fish and wildlife. Cllr Pulford will research an appropriate window of time to undertake spraying of the ponds which will be carried out by the suitably qualified handymen. A student of Environmental studies who is resident in the village has expressed an interest in the Environmental Plan for the village and offered to research wildlife refuges and condition of the pond environments is to be encouraged.

7.     Annual hedge cutting.

This is all in hand for completion during the October half term and Cllr. Short is in touch with the contractor to fix the precise date. The handymen are to be present to drop the various barriers in order to allow access for the tractor flail. The residents of Henderson Close are to be advised of the relevant date. Hopefully the Clerk will be able to arrange for a sweeper vehicle to clear any resulting debris.

8.     Road signage

Four new road signs “Unsuitable for HGVs” have been obtained. Two will replace the present signs at the WB end of Argents Lane and two will be installed at the EAG end of the lane. WB will pay for two of the signs and EAG will pay for and install their relevant signs.

9.     Flagpole

The concrete base for the new pole has been completed and should be ready for installation of the new pole in time for the November event. Thanks are due to Adrian Leach for his assistance in this matter, particularly with regard to the loan of his cement mixer.

10.  Review of Tree Policy

Cllr. Gili-Ross is minded to amend Para.5 of the current policy and will revert in due course.

11.  Essex Transport Strategy

This matter is still under consideration and further progress should be announced by the end of September.

12.  Upcoming items

Consideration should be given to requirements for the upcoming Environment & Highways budget to include such items as the purchase of new tools for the handymen and also possible replacement/refurbishment of signage.

ACTION – Also meeting to be arranged with the new BYG management to ensure safe use of garage.

13.  Date of next meeting

The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 10th October 2024, at 4.30pm in the SC Meeting Room.

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