Environment & Highways 10th February 2022

Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 13th January 2022

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th February 2022 with topics including:

  • Village office,
  • Removal of reed mace & irises from ponds,
  • Orpen Hall tree replacements,
  • Zip wire installation, &
  • Queen’s Jubilee.

Environment & Highways Committee Report

Committee Meeting held on Thurs 10th February 2022 via Zoom

Members present:John Gili-Ross (Chairman), Harry Stone, David Short, Jenny Church.
Also in attendance:One member of the public

1          Handymen Report

John continues to direct the handymen workload with David and Harry engaged in any day-to-day decisions needed by the handymen, if required. They are following the winter programme which includes litter picking, siding work. Some equipment has been sent for servicing.

  1. John explained the role of the handymen and the Essex Highways devolved activities. There are three handymen, Matt Harkness, Nigel Weall and Simon Forrester. There is a work schedule which the handymen follow when not engaged on specific environment project and particularly during the winter. A quarterly report is due to be sent to ECC Highways re devolved activities undertaken.
  2. The footway along Colchester Road up to Hall Road has been cleared of overgrown grass. The 3 large potholes remain covered by safety plates and warning cones awaiting Essex Highways to make a permanent repair.
  3. Lexden Road footway needs attention near the Scout Hut – broken pieces of pavement are a trip hazard for pedestrians. Temporary patches have been put over the potholes by Essex Highways. Need to contact Lewis Barber to ask if this is temporary.
  4. BT poles for the Football Club – the handymen have been asked to attend when Open Reach come to start of the work.
  5. Update on new Parish Office. It is expected this will be discussed at the F&GP meeting before being presented to the full Parish Council.

2          Village Ponds

In all 3 ponds reed mace and irises need removing or spraying. Nigel will be asked to treat these areas as needed. David will communicate with Nigel on this matter as required.

3          Trees at front of Orpen Hall

David has talked to Paul of Oak View Landscapes. Paul is prepared to do the ordering of the 4 trees and planting.  There have been offers to pay for the trees from Oakview, the Gardeners Club and WB Allotments. The committee is recommending the trees are dedicated and this to be taken at a full council meeting..

4          Installation of Zip Wire.

It has been agreed that this will be installed starting from near the gazebo and parallel to the tennis courts. This will mean that the football pitch will need to be moved a small amount away from the tennis court including moving the goal posts. There is a quote from a lawn company associated with WB Football Club. Countrywide will be asked for a 2nd quote, but we will need a 3rd quote.

2 seats will need to be moved but will be replaced when work is complete. Playquip will dig them out- they will need storing and will be replaced after all the work is complete.

5          Village sign

It has been reported by the handymen that the village sign wooden pole needs attention particularly as the lower section is showing signs of rot. It is believed the work can be left until the spring or summer months at which time the handymen will be asked to do this work.

6          Responsibilities for Queen’s Jubilee.

This item was discussed to determine the committee’s role in the village Jubilee celebrations.  We will be responsible for installing the beacon as required and David has agreed to prepare for the lighting of the beacon. John agreed wood and paraffin will be needed.  The handymen will prepare all relevant areas throughout the period of the celebrations. All committee members have agreed to assist as necessary.

7          Salt bags

Harry reported that following the ordering of salt and salt spreader there has been no snow – yet! Our village stock levels appear to have kept the snow away.

Date of next meeting Thursday 10th March 2022

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