Cycling Working Group: Join us on a ride!

The Parish Council has set up a Cycling Working Group, with its own terms of reference, under the Neighbourhood Plan Action Plan, in April 2024, to determine the need for cycle facilities/ additional facilities in West Bergholt.
Its remit also includes promoting cycling routes, including off-road, and investigating the reinstatement of village-to-village cycle rides/rides to places of attraction.
The group, under the Chair of Andrew Ross, includes a wide variety of cyclists from a triathlete, a former world-level cyclist, a member who has cycled from Lands’ End to John O’Groats, and a member who loves no more than to take her children on a ride to local hostelries for Sunday lunch.
Other members of the group include one who is a thorn in the side of CCC and ECC in his passion for local safe cycling routes, and myself a keen, but infrequent, cyclist!
The group’s first venture is to gauge local cycling interest and in mid-September or early October plans to organise an approximate 10-mile ride, featuring some of the many quiet rural roads north of West Bergholt. The aim is to introduce people to the opportunities we have on our doorstep and for people to gain confidence in cycling more often.
At this stage the format of the ride has not been agreed but riders or family groups will be responsible for their own safety, being on live roads.
The ride will be fixed for a Sunday starting at 11:00. The route will be available ‘on line’ soon, and hard copies will be given to each rider on the day.
So, would you be interested in joining us on your own, with friends or with your family? All children must be accompanied.
You’ll need to wear something highly visible, a helmet, and have a road worthy bike as well as acknowledging that you will be joining at your own risk. Please note, it is unlikely we will have mechanical support with us.
If successful, and we have every reason to think it will be, more events will be arranged, for which ideas will be welcomed.
So, please ‘enter’ your details at or use the QR code below and we’ll be in touch.
Brian Butcher
Join the Chair West Bergholt Parish Council