Hunt for Better Broadband warms up
Hopefully you will have seen the recent news item and/or the presentation given at last month’s Parish Council meeting. There are a number of possible options available to the village for Better Broadband from a range of service providers. Of these County Broadband and Voneus are already actively looking to engage the village with their proposed plans by both direct mailing and local meetings.
We hope that BT and Virgin Media will also do the same in the near future and engagement by the proposed West Bergholt Community Broadband Group of all potential suppliers & stakeholders (including Superfast Essex and ECC), should ensure we get more options on the table. The Parish Council will, of course, remain commercially neutral although will be keen to ensure that the village gets the best deal possible.
What’s Next
Future Broadband meetings are already being, or will be, arranged with the first of these being held with County Broadband at the Orpen Hall, 7:30pm on 25th May; all are welcome to attend this meeting where County Broadband will explain their plans for the village in more detail. The next meeting will be with Voneus also in the Orpen Hall at 7:30pm on on 6th June.
The Community Broadband Group will be formally established and will consider the pros and cons of each of the options available once all of the meetings have been held.
Ultimately it will be up to the residents of West Bergholt to consider the options available and decide, either collectively or individually, on their preferred supplier.