April Crime report

April Crime IncidentsEssex Police - Protecting & Serving Essex - February Crime report

April started  with a burglary after a late flurry of incidents in March and then saw two-vehicle-related crimes…

Burglary in Albany Road

At some time between 4:10 pm on the 4th and 9:30 am on the 5th April unknown suspects gained entry to the house through an insecure rear door.  Once inside they made a tidy search and removed a number of items.

Theft from a Vehicle on A12

At some time between 9pm and 5am overnight on 8th/9th April unknown suspects siphoned a quantity of diesel from a lorry parked on the A12.

Criminal Damage to a vehicle in Chapel Road

At some time on 19th April an unknown suspect threw an egg at a vehicle which, being left on for a length of time before being noticed, caused damage to the paintwork.

Information Releases

Two have come through this month, one on how to deter criminals rather than attract them and another on garden security.

What attracts a criminal?

Without that initial attraction most crimes could be avoided, statistics show that most crimes are opportunist crimes; yes they may go out intending to commit crime but the victim is not yet chosen. So if there is no attraction then you may not become a victim.

What is the attraction?

  • The shed or garage with minimal security and tools visible through the window.
  • A lone person down a dark street talking loudly on their illuminated new I-Phone.
  • The house in darkness with the side gate flapping open, welcoming.
  • That accessible open window or door.
  • The purse sitting in the open handbag on top of the shopping trolley.
  • Group sitting chatting at a bar table with a mobile phone just sitting there on the table.
  • The bag on the back seat of an unattended car, even though the bag may only contain your sports clothes, the thief does not know this until he/she has smashed the window and stolen it.
  • The tradesman’s sign written van parked on the dark drive by the gate with accessible doors and unprotected pipe tube on the roof.
  • The partygoer that’s had too much to drink and is unaware of his/her surroundings.
  • Shiny new ride on lawn mower sitting on the grass in full view of the road with no postcode/security markings visible.

The above is just short list I am sure you can think of more.  What can you do? STOP, think like a thief, spot the attraction and, where possible, remove it.

For Crime Reduction Advice contact – Stephen Armson-Smith, Colchester District Crime Prevention Officer using the police non emergency telephone number 101 then extension 436126.

garden securityGarden Security – Hints & Tips

With the weather steadily improving and with the nights getting longer, it is even more important that your garden is secure from would-be criminals.  Making your garden more secure could prevent an intruder from getting into your home, garage or shed.

Hints and tips for securing your garden:-

  • Installing strong fences or gates will act as a deterrent, preventing intruders getting into your garden.
  • Ideally any gates, fencing, walls and hedges at the front of your house should not be more than 1.2m (4ft) so the front of your property can be seen by passers-by.
  • A standard 1.8m (6ft) wall or fence at the back of your house is sufficient. Increase the height to 2m (6ft 6in) if there is public access on the other side – any higher than this will need planning permission.
  • Trellis fixed to the top of a fence is not only decorative but can provide extra protection as it is difficult to climb over, breaking easily and noisily.
  • If there is an access point to your garden at the side of your house a strong lockable gate will act as a deterrent.
  • Garden gates should be at least the same height and strength as your fencing with hinges securely attached to the gateposts.
  • Fit good quality locks to gates that cannot be reached from over the fence.
  • Remember to always lock your gates.
  • Planting prickly plants or a hedge, such as firethorn, climbing rose or hawthorn, around the perimeter of your garden can be a powerful deterrent.
  • Gravel on paths and driveways can act as an alert to someone coming towards your property.
  • Install dusk to dawn security lighting. The low energy lamp stays on in the dark and switches off when it starts to get light.
  • Secure garden furniture and wheelie bins so they cannot be used to climb on and gain access to upstairs windows.
  • Do not leave ladders lying around – they could be used by thieves to climb into an upstairs window. Keep them locked in a garage/shed or chained to a fixed object.
  • Do not leave tools, gardening equipment or debris lying around in the garden as they could be used to smash windows.
  • Keep your garden neat and tidy so it looks cared for.
  • While working in your garden, make sure doors and windows are locked to stop unwanted visitors.
  • Do not use barbed wire, razor wire or broken glass on walls or fences to protect your property – you could be held legally responsible for any injuries caused.

For further advice contact, please contact:-

Crime Prevention Tactical Advisor:-   Stephen Armson-Smith on tel 101, extn 426127, or  email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].


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