2nd Class Broadband?

West Bergholt is not alone in having a poor quality broadband service. Recognising that many rural (and not so rural), communities are supplied with a broadband service that falls far below the minimum target (2Mbs) set by Government, the East of England Development Agency EEDA is undertaking a needs survey. The purpose of the survey is to record those communities where service provision is below standard or in some cases non-existent. EEDA is interested in the hearing from consumers and businesses alike and their survey takes into account these two broadband user groups.

There is the potential for funding sources to be made available in 2010 through EU sources aimed at improving rural broadband services. To capture demand and rural opinion, a short questionnaire is available on the EEDA web site link shown below. By registering you will be helping residents and local businesses alike. The registration process is expected to be withdrawn at the end of January 2010.

Our Parish Plan group continue to receive support for its broadband initiative to use wireless delivery to users in the village. By encouraging everyone you know to register on the web site below, we will be able to evidence local demand which will help the Parish Council when it applies for specific funding for an alternative service to that currently received via BT etc. EEDA are asking those with a business to register both the business and home needs separately using the same links.

The web site link is at http://erebusonline.org.uk/index.html

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at http://www.westbergholt.net
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